The Diary

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New York, Febr 19th 1892.

Febr. 19th friday.

At Rapid Transit Meeting 2 P.M. Full quorum, work in evg til past 11 P.M. at office A. Fields . . called about Concert tomorrow

Febr 20th sat.

Rainy murky weather all day, in evg at Frauen Verein Concert at Lenox Lyceum which passes off nicely. Rummel, Schlomann, Mrs. Fields, Julia Müller-Hartung, Josef Rainy, Herman Quartette assisting. With Schurz family for an hour to L.K. Old wine room

Febr. 21st Sunday.

Worked all day at Store, and home in evg L. v. Bernuth + family to dinner with us, also Mr. Benke

Febr. 22d Monday.

Barkany who had run me down almost daily calls again and I tell her I do not wish to interfere with her squabbles, she having gone over to the Thalia Theatre. Cotterll calls, and we talk over the tunnel law defeats. At 2 P.M. to Burns on 6th Ave. Fishdinner, I preside make a good speech Moore from Boston responds, M. Steinert of New Haven like wise, Old Papa Schlomann is there, I eulogize him much to his joy. The others go to L.K. I to store & work home in evg til past eleven


Febr 23d Tuesd.

Paid all Lg. Isl. City Taxes today. Eat with L. v. B. at Cafe Figaro, then via 34th str. with him to Hunters Point. I go with Moulton in buggy over the dreadful Vernon & Hamilton str. route see Menzl, look over new house of Daimler Motor Comp. go through Kindergarten, hold Meeting with Mayer, Wells + + L. v. Bernuth Run at 6 P.M. via Madison Ave to "Deutscher Verein" after lunch at Arion, who are all at Phila, Junger Männerchor 40th Anniversary, then to L.K. Vergnügter Abend where I make several speeches. Zoellner sends jolly poem from Niagara Falls. Mrs. Theodor Kauffeld died yesterday. Great Excitement about confiscating Staatszeitung. I was yesterday elected Delegate at large at Albany D. Convention