The Diary

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Wiesbaden, June 26th 1892

June 26th Sund.

My 5th bath, my left hand more painful, I rest well during the night however, examinations of my urin show preponderance of "Harnsäure" otherwise notrace of any internal disease Last Tuesday I recd from v. Mirbach the Royal decree dated June 15th 1892 appointing me "Königlicher Hof Pianoforte Fabrikant seiner Majestät des Kaisers und Königs"

June 27th Mond.

Have bad relapse, left hand but especially left knee remain in bed, suffer pain. Approve Holwedes letter to Zeitung für Instrumentenbau, Leipzig

June 28th Tuesd.

v. Mirbach writes that he would like plans of Steinway Church During the night suffer great pains in left knee, apply Choroform, sleep afterwards

June 29. Wed.

Remain in bed, improve. Willie visits Ottendorfer at Nauheim goes there with Bau Unternehmer Schmidt


June 30th Thursd.

Take my 6th bath, sit up. Papa Ranft arrives from Dresden, Governor Salomon called. Willie returned at 9 P.M. from Nauheim. Cabled to N.Y. to remit Deckung to Hamburg. Berlin answer received same evg that all has been attended to. Boys with Fräulein to Fireworks in Kurgarten I pass a very favorable night