The Diary

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Wiesbaden, July 1st 1892.

July 1st friday.

Take my 7th bath, sit up all the afernoon. Wife & boys + Maud take a drive with Papa Ranft Wm Vigelius calls on me. I write many letters. Weather stll beautifully cool. Am anxiously awaiting News as to my electricRailroad Ate a little sweetbread today at noon. For two days Dr. Jones Medicine fails to produce "stool" Left hand very much improved, only left knee stubborn Give my Bademeister Carl Grün 100 Marks for his newborn son, 3 days old

July 2d Sat.

Passed a restful splendid night, left knee and hand better, but large inside muscle on left thigh seems affected. Took my 8th bath, receive letter from N.Y. Chas. H. St. and send a strong cablegram insisting upon St+S furnishing power for my R.R. temporarily if Underwriters consent can be secured. Frickes letter warns agt Rummel playing Steinway Grand in Tivoli Beer Hall, Berlin. Wife visits Gehrenbecks. Weather still fine and cool. Sit up all afternoon and write. At 5 P.M. I have the joyful intelligence of the following cablegram from NewYork "Insurance Companies have consented, electric Cars start today, Steinway." This completes the series of good news recd from NewYork since my departure there. Wife with Mrs. Gehrenbeck at Kurgarten reception which proves a fizzle, boys drink beer in evg at Rathhaus

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