The Diary

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Wiesbaden, July 18th 1892.

July 18th Mond.

In spite of the rainy cold weather of the last few days, I am improving, my shoulder better and my knees only have stiffness in them and a straining feeling when I bend them far. Mrs. Marie Wolfrum calls with her daughter and at my request my wife goes to Frankfurt with them at noon. I dress myself alone, sit up and write these lines. At 2 P.M. Louisa A. St. Ella F. Steinway, Fried. P. Kreischer and Miß Julia Cassebeer call, with Wil. + Gustav Candidus, afterwards also A. Schmidt ladies on their way to Schwalbach. I am quite exhausted by so much talking. Remain up til 8½ P.M. reading "Zwei Brüder"

July 19th Tuesd.

take my 21st bath, and at last feel hopeful Walk out on the balcony and enjoy the views, this day 6 weeks ago having been taken sick on steamer Fst Bismarck. Can walk fairly without a cane and set up without elevating my feet except once in a while. Ceasar takes leave, sails for America. Ottendorfer writes he will see me here at Wiesbaden next Sunday. Little Aug. Voges Waldschmidt is again on a visit with us, Frl. + my children go to Bieberich & the Rhine with him. The king of Denmark with his Gefolge has been stopping at the Park Hotel next door to us, for several days. My knees are still out of shape and only this morning I notice a beginning to have kneecaps assume normal condition. The weather here has been quite cold for the season