The Diary

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Seesen am Herz, Sept. 8th 1892.


Bodenburg 200 Marks, her daughter Lina 100. Write letters til noon, am flooded with an immense mail and many telegrams all day. In afternoon drive with Bürgermeister Schönermark, Oberamtsrichter v. Rosenstern + Carl Reinecke to Grüner Jäger and inspect the site for the proposed Park which is simply beautiful. Afterwards Fritz & George Fleischmann come I sing for them and in evg the two Fleischmanns Carl Reinecke + I dine at Rorigs (where I stop) and I keep them roaring

Sept 9th friday.

Slept well go around in Carriage, call at Amtsgericht give v. Rosenstern checks 1000 Mk for proposed Park, 500 for Harzverein of Seesen, 1000 for Schönemark for the Poor of Seesen. Visit Erdbrinks, Steigertahls, Stolten, Steinhoff (give her 120 Marks) Old Diemer is dead, visit Sommers, Brands (give her 100 Mk) and finally Dr. Philipson, also Rudolph Lohmann who shows me my Mortgages aggregating 31.000. Marks on Grüner Jäger, the new Kurhaus being quite pretty. At 4.7 P.M. to Braunschg, find letters & despatches from London, Mirbach asking when His Majesty the Emperor, could see me. Spend evg with Mr. + Mrs. Max Griepenkerl, see her lovely litle baby girl, 9 weeks old the Misses Knolle are there too. My knee hurts me, as I have overexerted myself, and at first I cannot for hours sleep thus my right knee hurts me. Towards morning it becomes well. Took Jones Medicine again before retiring


Sept. 10th Sat.

Find knees in fair order, but left shoulder is now affected & I can barely dress myself. Write long letter to Frickes at Lenggries in Bavaria, in answer to his letter of the 5th inst. Otto Steinweg calls, I promise to help him, his mother and two sisters. Young Lampe calls, also H. L. Saxer. I start at 2.30. P.M. with Blitzzug for Berlin, where I arrive at 5.53. P.M. after a somewhat uncomfortable trip. Stop at Kaiserhof, am met
