The Diary

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NewYork, Novbr. 26th 1892.

Novbr. 26th sat.

At 10 A.M. with Stetson & F. G. Smith to Phila. Look at premises 1418 Chestnut street, the Haseltine Blg, Mr. Haseltine showing us all over. Take both stores & Basement 1416 & 1418 at $6000. Rent each, 1418 from Jan 1st and 1416 from Sept 15th 1893. Go with Stetson to Blasius, break the News to Oscar Blasius who is greatly affected Lavine coming in afterwards. Decide to call new Concern "Stetson Piano Comp." with $200.000 Capital. Reach home at 8 P.M. somewhat tired


Novbr. 27th sund.

Julia Cassebeer (wife of Henry A. Cassebeer) is gradually getting better. I work at store forenoon and afternoon. Cabled "August Von Bernuth Seelhavn 1.A. Hannover, Philadelphia arranged Start immediately if quite recovered Answer" Take supper at Paula von Bernuth, from there walk to Liederkranz, Dr. Zinssers Vortrag "Uber das Deutsche Volkslied" I introduce him, Mißes Nonnenbacher and Scharmann + Mr. Fritsch. It turns out a grand success. In forenoon had talk with Felix Kraemer and Hasse as to winding up the constantly losing business of T. F. Kraemer & Co. shall hold Meeting of Trustees tomorrow at 2 P.M. Returned home at 11 P.M. Have bad diarhoe


Novbr 28th Mond.

Bought the last two bonds No 2 + 3. of Mrs. Albert Cole, Jackson + Steinway R.R. & destroy them, paid her $300. Held Meetings of F. Grote + Co. Also T. F. Kraemer & Co. who resolve to wind up business & sell factory for $8300. and boiler Engine + steampump + for $1700 to Astoria Homestead Company. R. T. McCabe and Orne called. Home in evg working