The Diary

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New York, Decbr. 4th 1892.


and at home in evg til 11 P.M. send out many letters

Decbr. 5th Monday.

Lovely clear weather. Fearful day for me Everybody howling for assistance, Mansfeld, Kapp, Cozzens +c. and even Seitz wants to borrow $2000. At noon lunch at Lüchows, Stetsons birthday, I make engl. speech in honor of Nahum Stetson and a german speech in honor of Papa Schlomann aged 80 years who is present. The old gentleman makes a nice poetic response. Am at German Sav'gs Bk in evg. Bissinger said to be ill with gout in the stomach. We afterwards, some 6 of us stop at Lüchows & drink beer

Decbr 6th Tuesday.

Excessively busy in forenoon, presence of mendicants continues. Lunch at Schultzs, hold Rapid Transit Meeting. Look up easterly and westerly elevated lines, to be offered in case the underground Road will not sell. Am at German Club in evg, fine supper and Soirèe dansante, sat with Mr. + Mrs. R. C. Seyd, Miß Agathie Schurz and Dr. Vulpius Dr. L. Weber and wife. At 10 P.M. to L.K. where I preside. Have thin shoes on and get wet, cold feet. Drive home after 12 o'clock


Decbr 7th Wed.

Mayor elect Horatio S. Sanford calls and borrows $1250. Cash on his due bill. M. Dilthey calls, I have a long talk with Rafael Joseffy in the afternoon, he having borrowed nearly $12.000. has not played for 3 years nor given us a testimonial. He promises to do the latter soon. Cablegram from Holwede that Paderewski will sail from Liverpool Decbr. 14/92 pr. Teutonic, and that Hamburg sends a piano to Liverpool for him for use on ship board. Walter C. Foster, Adam Weber (who had several interviews with H. W. T. St) call, also H. W. Schlomann who wants to get me into a German Accident Ins. Comp. with Carl Schurz as President
