The Diary

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NewYork, Febr. 25th 1893.

Febr 25. sat.

In bed. McCabe and Bushe called. Chas H. Steinway arrived pr. Britannic. Wife to Paderewski Matinee

" 26. sund.

Our St. Hall clerk Downer died in London. Stetson & Chas H. St. call in great excitement as to Chicago Fair Cotterill, Adam Weber + Wm Sulzer called, also Dittenhoffer abt Mansfeld

" 27. Mond.

Wifes arm better. I was lifted out of bed + sat up in a chair for an hour + suffer great pain in the knees Great excitement in the trade about our withdrawal from the Chicago Fair

" 28. Tuesd.

In bed. I commence to improve in my arms Hubert Cillis called chatting with me and Ellie

March 1st Wed.

Assist Striebeck with loans. During the night at 3 A.M. today my wife came to my bed, seriously ill. She was out yesterday in Carriage making many Visits, getting wet feet & taking a cold bath in evg Nurse Brooks goes to Dr. Satterlee who comes early in the Morning. Wife remains in bed

March 2d Thursd.

Wife seriously ill, and showing signs of Pneumonia, call in other Doctors

" 3d frid.

Send for Richd Ranft jr. 3 Doctors, including Prof. Fairfield, no hope, cable to Papa Ranft Dresden. I am almost crazy with excitement and grief


" 4th sat.

Passed a sleepless night. Doctors tell me that wifes kidneys have not acted for two days and that she will die within a few hours. At noon she becomes unconscious, and at 3 P.M. dies, peacefully, without having once realized her danger, without pain. I am almost stupefied by this terrible misfortune, and cry together with

Death of Mrs. Ellie C. Steinway