The Diary

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NewYork, Aug 18th 1893.


He reports that Papa Ranft perfectly cured at Treucsin-Teplitz in Upper Hungary of his Gout in the hips, but that Hauptmann Canzler suffers very much of nervous prostration. All the Newspapers comment favorably upon our action agt the Manhattan L. Road. Rosa Franko now also gives Theodor piano lessons. Sit in the Parlor. yesterday Carl Goepel, C. F. Schmidt called Judge Freedman appointed Herman E. Kleber Receiver of F. Grote & Co. Chas H. St. & I become bondsman in $60.000. for him. Give Chas. H. St. an indemnity agt. possible loss


Aug, 19th sat.

Drive through Central Park via 92d str. to "Steinway" view new power house, Iron roof trusses up. Via Shore road to Mansion, then to Picnic of St+S. employees, am received with immense enthusiasm. Then drive to Pier, look at proposed loop of Brooklyn City R.R.30 Return via Ehret Ave and newly paved Vernon Avenue. It begins to rain and a heavy Rain and Thunder shower prevails all evg and during the night

Aug 20th sund.

Work all afternoon in sitting room, Burke L.v.B. &J. Otto Toussaint call. It rains til 3 P.M. spoiling bus. for R.R. + Ferry +Beach. being the first wet sunday this season. Adam Weber also calls

Aug 21st mond.

walk by aid of canes only. Drive out to 125th str. Paula tells me of her arrangements as to dispense with Margaret Bernkopfs services, Willie and Theodore now being too large. Board of Trustee Meeting of St. +S called for tomorrow afternoon Financial crisis still severe. A Trube calls
