The Diary

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NewYork, Aug 26th 1893.


would be foolish to entertain such an Idea now. Business is at a standstill and money stringency terrible. The State Trust Co. call in $25.000. from H. D. Low for Aug 31st next. Drive with L. v. B. to Harlem Market, then to Mansion at Steinway, see my boys, Frl. Mr. + Mrs. Henry A. Cassebeer. Return via Jackson Ave & Hunters Point

| death of Ludwig Raecke

Aug 27th Sunday

Terrible hot all day. Sit up in front room L. v. B. with me. Write a number of letters. Mrs. Anna M. Stier and her daughter Ida call in forenoon. J. Otto Toussaint calls, tells us that Ludwig Raecke died yesterday at the Highlands of Navesink

Aug 28. Monday.

Still very hot. Work in Reception Room all day. Conference with Stetson, Chas + Fritz St. Henry Ziegler & Harry D. Low on finances. It still looks very blue, as dealers are unable to pay up and we shall have to renew for them heavily during Septbr. I worry very much over the situation and the fact that my mistaken liberality to other people has so denuded me of ready Cash. Heavy southerly storm sets in, do not sleep til 1 AM

| L

Aug 29th Tuesday.

Clearing up in afternoon. Prof Julius Hey, Johnson of College Point call, House of Representatives yesterday passed silver repeal bill with 240 to 110. Great rejoicing in Wall street. The bill is now before the Senate. Drive out with Rd Ranft jr. Riverside drive

Aug 30th Wed.

Lovely cool day. Slept well. Walter C. Foster calls, also M. Dilthey, also Plaschkes granddaughter for a recommendation to Ashbel P. Fitch. Drive out with my daughter to Riverside Park. Steinway Railway Comp. Report shows appalling deficiency.
