The Diary

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NewYork, Sept 18th 1893.

Sept. 18. Mond.

Uncertain weather remain home all day and walking bet. two canes all day. Mrs. Bernkopf cables Frl. to ask for loan of 800 Marks. Frl. calls cries bitterly, lives until Oct 1st at No 146 E. 34th str. L. v. B. + wife take my boys to Garden City Willie is at once accepted, Theo not, being too young. I am hounded from Morn til 9 P.M. dictate a number of letters and looking over defence in H. W. T. St's 2d and 3d suits. Will case mentioned in Newspapers, Cotterills Clerk Bowen having obtained appointment of myself & Henry Cassebeer as Guardians of our resp. infant children, before Judge Ingraham. Receive crazy letter from Mansfeld & A. Jos. Kapp. Sit up til 9 P.M every night

Geo. A. St. & wife return from Chicago, Fritz St. Mr. & Mrs. Fricke go there

Sept 19. Tuesd.

Rain in forenoon, clears up in afternoon. Papers have most absurd acconts of Henry W. T. Sts. suit in will case, calling it a "friendly" suit dictating letters in forenoon, to Office in afternoon, 2-5 o'clock search through both my safes, then drive with Paula to Riverside, learn that Volkszeitung has an attack on me in its Sunday issue in relation to Lindau. Flörsheim Article on "Nord und Süd. I laugh over it

Sept. 20th Wed.

Beautiful day. Dictate to Stenographer Memorandums for Counselor Cotterill in Henry W. T. Sts suits to break C. F. Theo. St. will and suit agt the Trustees of St +S. Drive with Paula to Harlem River on 7th Avenue and back. Long article in N.Y. Herald that Cotterill Robert C. Kammerer is in Woman trouble, a german woman, Alice Hauff having sued him for $10.000. for alleged breach of promise, made her in Germany

Sept 21st Thursd.

beautiful day. Rd H. Adams visits me. I gave him the key for Liederkranz Safety Box yesterday. Again work on Harbuckle suit agt St+S. Trustees. L. v. B. takes my Willie to Garden City to school

take first warm bath

Sept 22d frid.

Work home tl 2 P.M. drive out for an hour, look over things at St. Hall til 6 P.M. then home & sit up til 9 PM
