The Diary

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NewYork, Oct. 13th1893.

Oct. 13th frid.

slightly loose bowels. U.S. Senate yesterday had to adjourn without reaching repeal. Bowen calls, gets letters for Cotterill to Chicago, intending to go there today. Metzerott & Co. made an assignment yesterday, in consequence of the failure of Hardman Peck & Co. Drive out 1-2½ P.M. Spend rest of the afternoon at St. Hall. Business much improved by the reaction of the U.S. Senate. Harry D. Low looks at the race. Oswald Ottendorfer arrives with the Fürst Bismarck. Heavy storm during the night

Oct 14th sat.

Clearing up. Vigilant on 3d race beat the Valkyrie by 40 Seconds only, Yesterday, Cup therefore remains in America. Have a perfect stream of callers, Zerbau, Mrs. Ida F. Grote, A. Trube, a begging letter from A. J. Kapp for $200. then Prof. Geheimrath Francis Reuleaux calls, sails for Germany next Tuesd. pr. steamer Lahn. Russian fleet at Toulon yesterday, great festivities. Called also Mrs. + Miss Maurer want to move into 255 Theodore street Lg Isl. City. Drive out with Brooks to 125th str. I then drive through the Park to St. Hall, enter like yesterday from 15th str. M. Bernkopf calls, &. Sophie Fricke calls on me, am pestered by Reporters on Rapid Transit. Ch. H. St. in Cincinnati. St +Ss finances are again in good shape


Octbr. 15th Sunday.

Lovely clear day. Have again somewhat loose bowels. Bankstatement again very favorable, but inaction of the U.S. Senate kills all business prospects. Drive through Central Park to Astoria, see Power house all ready for Engine + Boilers. Then drive through Steinway, see Geo. H. Smith, George A. Williamson, Julius Hünerbein + his daughter see also Cassebeers, Edwin Cassebeer sick, then drive via Steinway & Jackson Ave + 34th str. Ferry home which I reach 4 P.M. Then work home. At noon Mr. & Mrs. Fritz v. Bernuth and Carrie Lulu v. B. called

Oct. 16th Mond.

Rd H. Adams called, dictate letters to stenographer, drive