The Diary

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NewYork, Decbr. 8th 1893.

Decbr. 8th frid.

Beautiful weather, drive out with Paula at noon, Mrs. v. Meyerinck again calls, morning and evg. in black despair as to her husband. In afternoon Anton Schott, his cousin A. Schott, Heinrich Goedtner, and Sandow the strong man, who strips and shows his immense muscular development. A. Trube calls, Mrs. Sillo calls, sings for me, Mrs. Foehrding with her. On coming home find three ladies who want to sing for me, Work til late in eveg


Decbr. 9th sat.

Gloomy weather, H. A. Cassebeer calls, also V. Franck D. V. Becker. To my great joy, Abbey Schoeffel & Grau repay the loan of $2000 made them last year by check for $2116.66 Receive card from Hamburg that Martha Hartwigk is engaged to Hermann Eskuche. Hear Miss Edith Fuhrmann sing, accompanied by her teacher Miss Bailey, at 5 P.M. in my Parlor. Eugene L. Bushe and R. T. McCabe call at 8 P.M. and R.R. contract is signed bet. myself, Hollister & Babcock Robert C. Pruyn and R. T. McCabe. Anarchists exploded a bomb in the french Parlament yesterday, wounding

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N.Y. & College Point Ferry Co. bought Ferryboat Hackensack for $7000. today

Decbr 10.

many people. Wm & Wallo Hardt and Mr. Wurster to dinner today, eat with them at table, D. Müller warns me agt his brother, the father of Kate Müller deceased. Dr. Satterlee, Adam Weber, young Charles F. Schmidt and Ella F. Steinway also call, also Mr. Burke for supper and evg. Judge Marcus Otterburg was buried from L.K. Hall today

Decbr 11th Mond.

To store at 10 A.M. remain there til after 5 P.M. & take lunch from Lüchows. Hold a R.R. Meeting resolving that 700 Bonds are to go to the Atlantic Improvement Co. the latter having commenced to pay the debts of the R.R. Company. Am called upon by Miß Garlichs, Groebl, Ida Klein, Albert Meyer and others. Sign 150 R.R. bonds as President viz 1001-1150 home at night, see that I am quite tired out. Mr. + Mrs. L.v.B. at Italian Opera

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