The Diary

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NewYork, Febr. 11th 1894

Febr 11th Sund.

Lovely spring day. Meta drives out with her papa and Mama. Willie is up and very wild. I feel much better and light in my legs, can walk again, and it seems to me that the Johannis Water which de Frece sent me and which I have been drinking for 3 days past is exerting a favorable influence upon me


Febr 12th Mond.

Am at St. Hall, Mrs. Louisa a. St. is at my office several days hours, & we talk over Ellas Intention of calling herself Ella Steinway-Schmidt Baberich and Maud visit us at the office, Baberich can walk a few steps alone now. A rousing snowstorm sets in, but I get home. safely Have a brief consultation with Chas. H. St. & Stetson, who just returned from Chicago and St. Paul. Have a slight touch on the side of my right small toe Give Tilenius a card to Harris of Platt +Bowers


Febr 13th Tuesd.

Snowstorm continues, and I conclude to remain home Still a little gout on outside of left small toe. To my joy Dr. Langmann gives permisskon for Maud +baberich to come home tomorrow, as Willie is well, though his feet are scaling off a little Yesterday a new bombthrower wounded some 20 people, he was caught. Paid Kleber F. Grote &Co. princ. & Int $2331.33 and Henry W. T. Mali &Co $258620/100 Patrick J. Gleasons note of $4000 is protested. I ordered last saturday pr. Cable a style E. ebon. to be given to Martha Hartwigk as my present to her wedding. E. A. Potter ordered 200 Copies of John C. Freunds paper containing my interview, denouncing as a lie the pretense of P. J. Healy that some authorized person had offered them our Agency. Hans v. Bülow died in Egypt today. Cotterill called + had a long talk with him

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death of Hans von Bulow

Febr. 14th Wed.

At office all day, very busy, have many visitors, old Mrs. Selle, whom I give $20 to, also E. Schmidt..

Febr 15th Thursd.

Rainy day, remain home, Nivens calls, also Kelly, Corbins man, as to proposed Blackwells Island bridge. Harry D. Low is busy all day with drafts on London, cancelling loan of N.Y. & College Point Ferry Comp. of $30.000. Tritsch also calls tells me all about Stanton +Frank Ehret, how G. Ehret suffered by the capers of Frank. Baker from Hartford is here in evg trying to get extensions of his notes
John McKane found guilty