The Diary

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NewYork, March 9th 1894.

March 9th frid.

At St. Hall from 9.30 A.M. to 5.30 P.M. Patrick J. Gleason calls in relation to my foreclosure suits agt him. Walter J. Foster also calls on Gleason matters. A. J. Kapp writes L.v.B. thanking him and me for the house 234 East 58th str. indulgence I paying rent from Decbr 1, '93 to May 1/94. Helen v. Hünerbein called, requested loan of old Grand piano for class teaching. Sent old Jos. Klebs $15 to Phila, and $10. to Gertrude Eckhardt Rochester. Poor Louis Gelfuss seems tobe dangerously ill at Berlin. Adam Weber visits me, I give him a letter of introduction he sailing with the Columbia to Genua tomorrow morning

March 10th sat.

For the first time walk without crutch or cane from my house to carriage from that up principal stairs to my Office, and in evg back again. Mr+Mrs. Fritz von Bernuth, Mr+ Mrs. H. A. Cassebeer at supper with us they then go and see Prozesshansl at Irving place Theatre. R. Franko, E. Auerbach, M. W. Beckel call also Tomlinson of E. R. Gas Comp. who tells me that their Tunnel will be finished July 1st and cost in all less than $200.000. Richd H. Adams calls I promise to open my private account with the Yorkville Bank on monday. I drank 2 bottles of Champaigne Cider this afternoon

March 11th Sund.

Dark sunnyless day, do not go out but take dinner in dining room. The Russian-German treaty seems sure to pass German Reichstag. World says that Chamber of Commerce has prepared a bill to enable the City to build Rapid Transit road. I gradually walk lighter and easier. Gustave J. Candidus called A. J. Kapp sent in his resignaton to H. E. Kleber and left the employ of the Receiver of H. E. Kleber, of F. Grote & Co. who are to be wound up as speedily as possible. Wrote to David B. Hill to help confirm Edward Grosse. Henry Ziegler and wife Toussaint & Friedrich Reidemeister, also Dr .Scharlau called. Alfred D. Moulton called, tells me that Steinway Railway Comp. will run out Jackson to Jim Dicksons Hotel within 10 days, also that a splendid Car depot built entirely of brick will at once be built at Steinway in place of the present cor. depot and Wooden structures

March 12th Monday.

At St. Hall all day and working hard. In evg. Eugene L. Bushe is with me in eveg and he & I discuss and correct the report of the Bushe elevated plan for tomorrow