The Diary

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NewYork, March 13th 1894.


Newspapers state that Chamber of Commerce bill is ready and that we the present Com are to be legislated out of Office At 2 P.M. drive to Rapid Trans. Off. are all present but decide not to send report to Common Council today. In evg, at 8 o'clock drive with my Valet to Liederkranz, see many friends, among them Seidl and Max Spicker. Home at 11 P.M. in rain

March 14.

At St. Hall all day. Kleber calls with A. J. Kapp who has started a small turning business of his own. Loan him $100, also some Machinery to be selected by him + charged to me. In evg. at Ottendorfers, play Skat with him, May and Trautmann, lose 2 Cts Home at 10.30. PM

March 15th Thursd.

Formidable strike on the Steinway Railway Comp. with violence to persons and property of the Company. At St. Hall all day. B. Newport and Schauck call. Bushe, McCabe, Williams and Mayor Sanford soothe things for the time being and at 5 P.M. the road runs again


March 16. frid.

Gleason calls in forenoon, Emma Juch calls tells me that she is engaged to Mr. Wellman Asst District Attorney. New Rapid Transit bill introduced in the Senate, but Abram S. Hewitt and Starins name are left out. Henry Ziegler +wife and Henry A. Cassebeer to supper with us. The begging has become unbearable J. Dickson goes to Westfield on Lake Erie

March 17th sat.

St. Patricks day, beautiful weather, am at St. Hall from 9 A.M. until 5½ P.M. A. Jos. Kapp calls, loan him $200 again for his new business with his son Charles A. Kapp. Patrick J. Gleason calls, I promise him not to sell his bonds next week. Walter J. Foster tells me that he argued Burnetts motion for Mrs. Schley to subrogate my mortgage with Burnett and Jesse Johnson before Judge Cullen in Brooklyn, and that the Judge granted Burnetts motion. I therefore will get my money within a few days. Bushe also called at 10 A.M. to tell us about the strike. Mr. Babcock also called, expresses great hopes of the Annexation of Lg. Isl. City to NewYork and our only Trolley system then existing over there in the Greater NewYork. Received a telegram from Blasius +Sons that the father, Charles Blasius died last night and that the funeral takes place monday morning at Philadelphia at 10 A.M. I send them my condolence and regret of my physical disability to be present at the funeral. L.v.B. & wife are to supper at Mr. Fritz von Bernuth in evening. I can gradually walk better without crutch or cane Carl Schurz also visited me

death of Charles Blasius