The Diary

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NewYork, Sunday, April 8th 1894.

April 8th Sund.

Rainy +gloomy, clearing up in afternoon. H. A. Cassebeer calls also Wm. A. Hardt for dinner in which I participate. N.Y. Herald has afine article, an interview with me, on Rapid Transit. I succeed in working in the afternoon. My little grandson runs around splendidly, commences to understand things but does not speak a word as yet. Miss Juch sang at the Philharmonic Concert last night with good success, sings at L.K. Concert this evg. From 5-6.30 P.M. have a long talk with E. A. Potter of Chicago, relative to location, Averill lease, Mrs. George W. Lyon and the Ziegfeld-Healy matter. In evg young Oscar v.B. and Mr. Burke call. Get off many letters

April 9th Mond.

Lovely day. Drive to store via 42d str. am busy all day at St. Hall Have further conversation with Stetson & Potter. Tomlinson and Trask call on me with a new scheme of buying the Wmsburgh Gas Co. Ottilie Steinway from Great Neck calls on me. I walk from my office along 14th str. to Irving place Theatre without crutch or cane. Home in evg working, L.v.B. +wife L.A.St. & Miss Kreischer, and Charles F. Schmidt jr. +wife are at Opera Tannhäuser performed for the German Press Club, I having paid $100 for tickets. L.v.B. saw George Ehret today who is willing to sell his one half of the N.Y. & College Point Ferry. I had quite a talk with Ottilie Steinway regarding George

April 10th Tuesd.

Very cold day. Excessively busy. Young Behnne comes tells me his father died two days ago, his mother wants to go to join her daughter at Berlin. St+Sons send their annual report to Albany and County Clerks Office at Jamaica. At 2 P.M. am at Rapid Transit Meeting. Starin not there. We again postpone our report on the Bushe plan because Inman thinks that a new syndicate will take up our Underground plan without City aid. Drive home at 4 P.M. & do not go to Piano Manf. Collation. Ravenswood Improvement Comp. holds its annual Meeting at 21 Borden Avenue L. Isl. City at 4 P.M. today

April 11th Wed.

Terrible snowstorm all day with an unusually high tide, which is said to have done some damage at North Beach. Hewitt bill favorable reported from Committee to Assembly. Am busy all day. Am interviewed by a Tribune Reporter on Rapid Transit. L.v.B. & wife to Lyceum Theatre. Storm is so fearful that I remain home in evg, working. Judge Ingraham enjoins Hugh Hardman & Grasse from advertising "Hardman" piano