The Diary

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NewYork, April 22d 1894.

April 22d Sund.

gloomy day inforenoon, clearing up afterwards Mrs. Eckhardt from Rochester (whom I had written on friday that I had discovered her false pretences) wrote, acknowledging her lies but again begging for help to pay her debts. Reinhold Schmelz calls. At 2 out with L.v.Bernuth through Park to Oscar v. B. who is sick in bed. Thendrive across Harlem bridge to Oak Point, where I meet Mrs. Sulzer, thence across annexed district through Tremont to Washington Bridge down Boulevard to German Club, meet a number of persons, home at 7 P.M. Carl v.B. at supper with us, I work in evg. Saw Dommerich, Consul Feigel Dr. Scharlau Ewald Fleitmann and others at Deutscher Verein, Reinhold L. Herman accepted my invitation to dine with us tomorrow night

April 23d Mond.

Lovely day, am excessively busy, consultation with Stetson, Fred T. St. and Chas. H. St. (who is fairly well and goes to Atlantic City at 1 P.M.) as to Lyon Potter & Co. we decide upon to Averill buildg and telegraph to that effect to E. A. Potter Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Patchin & daughter call, also Mrs. King+Kraemer +Fanny Hirsch, Anton Schott, Mrs. Abbe + a gentleman who are strongly in favor of Seidl + German Opera and Mrs. Arthur Dodge in favor of Damrosch enterprise. Mr. Zoellner D. V. Becker and E. Schmidt call, latter pays me back a loan of $1250. At 6.30 P.M. Reinhold L. Herman and Adolf Schmidt with us to supper, Herman tells us lots of things about the Azores. We talk over matters with Mrs. Behnne who called on me today) and M. Behnne and latters engagement at Königsberg. My friend banker Jesse Seligman died today of kidney disease in California age 69 years riot in Hungary

April 24th Tuesd.

Legislature postpones Rapid Transit bill until tomorrow. I drive at 2 P.M. to Rapid Transit Com. Only Mr. Bushe there whom I briefly tell all recent developments as to Gleason suits. I then drive through the Jewish Quarter Hester +Ludlow street and have great sights, then Houston str. to come of Pitt street Ave. C. 2d str. Ave A. to 14th thence to St. Hall & home. L. v, Bernuth & wife, Julia Cassebeer +Sport to Chas. F. Schmidts house 57th str. & Church, Wedding of his daughter Helen to Mr. Greeff. Am in evg at L.K. play Skat with Hoffmann Adams & Dr. Senner lose 60 Cents

April 25th Wednesd.

Lovely day, all day at St. Hall working. Conference with Damrosch about German Opera, confer with Miss Rippe abt L.K. and Mrs. Morris (neè Titus) pesters me about Mission at Steinway. In evg at Ottendorfers, Skat with him Trautmann & Mai, lose a dollar
