The Diary

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NewYork, May 25th 1894.

May 25th frid.

papers full of old R. Tr. Com. winding up yesterday. Steamer Fürst Bismarck arrived at Southampton today with Ranfts, Ottendorfer on board and "Spree" with L. A. Steinway, sister and Schmidts arrive at Bremerhafen For the first time walk from my desk at St. Hall without crutch or cane to the library in my house. L.v.B. wife and Maud to Garden City to hear performance theatrical, where Willie acts as prince and Paula said he looked beautiful. Poor Theodore comes from Summit to be present at the same but Dr. Scharlau pronounces it the "Röthelin" and he is brought to bed. To-day Underhill a broker called wanting to buy St. Rway. bonds. Walter J. Foster and Wm. H. Williams called as to substitute of another bondsman for Geo. H. Smith and Theron Burden by death of Geo. H. Williamson. Work home in evg


May 26th sat.

Partly rainy weather. New Com. have not yet recd their cit. of appointment from Albany, a R. Tr. Com. I feel somewhat stiff in my legs. Am excessively busy all day. broker Underhill calls with Mr. Fleming about buying some of my R.R. bonds. Little Theo. amuses himself well in bed. "Röthlen" very strong with him on coming home find Mrs. Witthaus with my daughter. Saw at store A. Treste, B. Newport, Mrs. Savage, A. H. Grote (whom I give a fearful raking) C. Brown, Dr. Satterlee, Edith Fuhrmanns husband Noel called, also Albert R. Parsons for whom I sign four letters for the Natl College of Music, to Hill, Murphy, Cochran and Covert.

death of Henry Bauendahl at German hospital

May 27th Sunday.

Lovely beautiful spring day. Brooks attends to my feet. Called J. O Toussaint and Mr. Burke, latter badly emaciated. In afternoon drive with L.v.B. via 34th Ferry to Calvary Cemetery see Gleasons road & then to Dutch Kills, view property on Webster Ave. & blue houses on Jackson Ave. to be sold under foreclosure by Henriette J. Vietor June 2d/94. Then through Steinway Ave. where sewer buildg sadly interferes with R.R. Cars overcrowded. Through Flushing Eve, Ehret Ave. to North Beach which is crowded with Visitors. Brooklyn City R.R. not yet running to North Beach. Then stop at Mansion, Cassebeers via 92d str. Ferry to N.Y. via Central Park. Learn that Bauendahl is quite ill. Business all over the Country has been extremely dull for several weeks past. Little Theodore in bed, has trained nurse, Dr. Scharlau attends him. Wm. H. Williams & Theron Burden quarrel about obtaing Republican Sheriffs Nomination for the past few weeks
