The Diary

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Astoria- NewYork, Wednesday, June 6th 1894

June 6th Wed.

Drive to St. Hall, being much retarded by the sewer construction on Steinway Avenue and Broadway, and thereby miss Ashbel P. Fitch and Eugene L. Bushe, the latter however arrives in afternoon, and I have quite a talk with him as to R.R. matters & Rapid Transit. Reach Mansion at 7 P.M. Skat with Cassebeer, L.v.B. lose 46 Cents

June 7th Thursd.

Informal Meeting of new Commissioners of Rapid Transit at Chamber of Commerce, present Claflin, Orr, Low & myself. Talk over matters in private. Home at Mansion at 6.30 P.M. Skat, lose 16 Cts

June 8th frid.

Long conference with Mr. R.T. McCabe, who denies having promised Everhart to testify as the latter alleges in his affidavit. At 3 P.M. to Rapid Transit Meeting at City Hall, walking from Chambers str. &back, present all seven Comm. We receive resignation of Orr, individually, and fill vacancy by appointing John H. Inman. I then move to elect Alexander E. Orr, Pres. Chamber of Commerce, Pres. of the permanently organized Board of Rapid Transit Commission. On returning to St. Hall, invite Mr. Seth Low into my carriage and take him to Columbia College, giving him copy of Rapid Transit Act. See from the Evening papers that Edward B. Kreischer shot himself yesterday at Staten Island. Meet Inman on Fifth Avenue tell him he is a member of the new Commission he is overjoyed. Home in evg. do not Play Skat, but work also win 29 Cents

| death of Edward Kreischer

June 9th Sat.

fine day, work til 11.30 A.M. drive to Queens Co. Court house attend auction of Gleason blue house on Jackson Avenue and Dutch Kills under foreclosure of Henriette J. Vietor. Arrive at St. Hall 2 P.M. Meet George F. Kreischer who reveals and proves to me that Eddy Kreischer shot himself on account of a woman. Drive out with Cotterill through Central Park talking over lawsuits. Play Skat lose 25 Cents