The Diary

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NewYork, June 14th 1894, Astoria


work 2½ hours. At 3 P.M. Fred T. St. Nahum Stetson &family Otto Sutro, Eugen Langen, wife and daughter, also Fredk Reidemeister sail pr. steamer "Bismarck" for Europe. With L.v.B. drive to Steinway Mansion via St. Ave. Work til nearly 11 P.M. My son Theodore E. Steinway comes from school. Lord Coleridge died today in England.

June 15th frid.

At store til 3.30 P.M. then drive to Mansion, meet Mr. Schmitz of Columbia College there, we virtually decide to let my sons go to Germany with him next Thursday if we can get a Cabin. Afterwards I drive with him to Sandfords Point Park Germ. Am. School picnic there, Meet Bilhuber + other friends sent to Orr, Low & Claflin, Rapid Transit Reports. Am much troubled by new applicants for Secretaryship of R. Tr. Com. Valda, A. M. Britting, young Schweiner of Frankfurt also call Work til 11 P.M. North Beach singularly empty today


June 16th sat.

Remain at Mansion. Papers state that Ernestine Wiman was convicted yesterday of forgery in the second degree after most pathetic scenes. Richard Croker reached Queenstown yesterday, also that Austin Corbin and Theo. W. Myers before Congress Committee want the U.S. to create a free port of entry + reshipment at Fort Pond Bay, where the Bridge across Blackwells Isl. would also be built Willie was sick yesterday with a spoiled stomach, Dr. Fitch attending him, is well again today, he & Theo. bathe, but find water still too cold. Misses Hedwig & baby Krüsi visit us. Flachsenhaar calls. At 4 P.M. with Paula, Maud & Julia Cassebeer to Steinway Kindergarten, commencement, very charming, Phil. Burkard speaks in german, very long, I answer in english briefly but effectually. Brief rainstorm lays the dust. Mr. Schmitz takes lunch with us. "send off the following cablegram "Steinway Hamburg My Willie Theodor sail Thursday Columbia with tutor Schmitz Inform Steinway family members, also Ranfts, Steinway"Met many acquaintances at Kindergarten, Menzls, Henriette J Kämmerer, the Trube family and others. I was excessively busy all this week. Business bad in England, America & Germany