The Diary

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NewYork, June 17th 1894.

June 17th Sund.

Raining in the morning, clearing up towards noon. At 9 A.M. arrange with Menzl to meet him and Sprenger Wednesday. Mrs. A. Maurer calls with her 13 years old daughter Gussie, on Hünerbein case, and the arrest of a man who near Titus's place frightened little girls by being nude. Tell her to testify as to the exact truth tomorrow at Court. At 4 P.M. drive with baberich and his nurse to North beach. Ferryboat, Chancellor, boats from Harlem, Steinway Cars, Brooklyn City R.R. cars all crowded to suffocation, biggest day North Beach ever saw. L. &Carl v. Bernuth, Theo &Willie to Great Neck in Daimler launch, they visit Roeslers & Geo. A. Steinway. Working all day and evg

| D
death of Wm. Walker Phelps

June 18th Mond.

At 2 P.M. to Surrogates Court, give bond for Wm. E. Hardt, jr. of $100.000 as temporary Administrator Estate of his father. Then to Rapid Transit Session, City Hall, all Commissioners present, elect Beekman and Boadman counsel, W. Barclay Parsons Engineer and Delafield secretary. I had diarhoe in forenoon, vomit several times in the way to Steinway,a great deal of bile. Dr. Fitch finds that I have 101 degrees, Cannot sleep from 10 P.M. to 2 A.M. drink beef tea in Fachinger: Hottest 18th of June on record

June 19th Tuesd.

Dr. Fitch again calls morning+ evg. Remain at "Steinway", take liquid food only. Reports in Newspapers generally favorable to Com. Action yesterday Conference with Herman J. Schmitz, wrote many letters and instructions for him, remain at Manson all day. In ev'g play Skat win 56 Cts fever gone and loose bowels moderated

June 20th Wed.

Beautiful day. Again remain at Mansion, am troubled by telephonic messages all. At 5 P.M. My Willie and Theodor depart for Hoboken, where they will be taken by Mr. Herman J. Schmitz on Steamer "Columbia" sailing early tomorrow to Germany. L.v.B. &Paula go to Hoboken with them. Arthur & Julia Cassebeer call on me. I eat one Squab and seem to be perfectly well again +bowels in order I gave Mr. Schmitz 500 Marks in coin +paper, a letter of Credit of Mark 10.000 for the trip, with power for my Willie to draw money in case of necessity. Poor Miss Emma Schilling calls to invoke aid for her brother in Queens Co. Jail. Amelia Rippe also calls, also Walter C. Foster, in evg
