The Diary

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NewYork and Astoria, Juney 20th 1894.


Mrs. Williamson and her brother call in relation to the Estate of her husband. H. A. Cassebeer spends ev'g with me

June 21st Thursd.

My sons Willie R. and Theor E. St. with their Tutor, Herman J. Schmitz, Instructor at Columbia College, sail at 8 A.M. pr. Steamer Columbia for Hamburg. Spend all day at St. Hall overwhelmed with work. Emma Schilling troubles me with letters from father, on acct of her brother, in Queens County Jail for forgery. Work at Mansion in ev'g til nearly 11 P.M. Am perfectly well again departure of Willie & Theo for Europe
arrival of Fritz St. & Stetson Southampton

June 22d frid.

drive to store, Ticket sale for Sängerfest very large. Mrs. Kate Weber calls, greatly excited, the Eddy Kreischer suicide grows daily darker, it now turns out that both Charles +Eddy were ruined and that the latter had also spent Dr. Noeggeraths money, over $20.000. under power of Attorney, Loeser, E. Schilling A. Fabris, A. Juch, A. Flachsenhaar also call. Great Torchlight procession in evg by the United Singers. Nearly all German localities decorated, also Steinway Hall very nicely. Yesterday I dictated to Koenig of the Staatszeitung my reminiscences of the Eastern Song festivals since 1850 which reads quite well. The Odor from Riker Isl. is fearful when the wind comes from that direction. Business all over the Country is horribly dull.

Yesterday at Normal Coll. E. Lillian Dana, and Anna E. Rubino, recd the William Steinway prizes

June 23d sat.

Hot, but beautiful day. All papers enthusiastic over the immense torchlight parade last night. Senator David B. Hill made a telling speech agt the income tax using my name with that of six other democrats as proof. President Cleveland unable to come to the Songfestival, but Gov. Flower and Mayor Gilroy reviewed the parade last night in front of Hotel Brunswick. I drive to N.Y. at 2 P.M. get shaved and champooed at Balz, at 8 P.M. drive to Madison Square Garden. Heat is terrible, Concert room well filled. Saw Mrs. Auguste Juch and Emma Juch, latter the Soloiste. Take the long walk to the platform, Katzenmayer make the pretty speech, introducing me, (loud applause) I make my speech, am loudly applauded, then introduce Governor Flower, who speaks nicely, then introduce Mayor Gilroy, who speaks nicely. I then drive home, stopping at L.K. in my carriage, and drink two glasses of Würzburger, reach Mansion at 11.15. P.M. highly gratified