The Diary

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NewYork&Astoria, June 28th 1894.

June 28. Thursd.

Am at St. Hall early, despatch European Mail, my Willie&Theod.on Columbia reached Southampton, am almost hounded to death, Cotterill calls, walk to Luchow take dinner, then to 256 Broadway new Office of (Home Ins. Buildg) of Rapid Transit Com. All there except Inman, very harmonious, on my motion Claflin as Treas. John H. Starin as Vice Pres. elected and James Dolan appointed Janitor Home evg at Mansion Play Skat. Fredk St. only learned death of Fricke at London to-day and hastens to his mother, Mrs. Fricke Play Skat in in evg Cassebeer +L.v.B. lose 24 Cents

June 29. frid.

Papers generally comment favorably upon Rapid Tr. Commission doings, remain at St. Hall all day, saw Cotterill, added points to Harbuckle brief of Cotterill, only leave at 9 P.M. Clara Krause played for me, she is a fair artiste. "Columbia" with my boys on board arrived at Cuxhaven at 10 A.M. today. Reach Mansion at near 11 P.M. Riker Island again smells horribly during the night.

H.W. Schlomann appoints me Executor in his will
|| arrival of Willie and Theo St. at Hamburg

June 30th sat.

Pass a nearly sleepless night, and have loose bowels. It has turned out beautiful weather after the rain during the night Remain at Mansion all day, Mrs. Riker, Mrs. Kessler, Miss Schilling, Francis J. Oakes call, I drive to Grand Pier, take "Hackensack" to College Point, thence to N.Y. back on same boat, L.v.B. + Harry D. Low there Baberich with us to +from College Point. Last nights Evg Sun brings a sensational report, that English stockholders have sued the American stockholders of the Mine, among them Untermeyer, George Ehret Estate of Henry Clausen jr. for $3.000.000. to be refunded to them

July 1st Sund.

Lovely weather. Today Carnots funeral takes place at Paris. L.v.B. Meta & Maud with Frl. Krusi in Daimler launch to Great Neck. Song festival was a great succss and the Adt to St+S. all over the Country unprecidented. I am perfectly well again. Toussaint, Sport, Fritz Steinhauer call. At 4 P.M. drive with baberich all over the beach and at Grand Pier baberich has his first fight by attacking a boy taller & older than himself shaking him and pelting him with pebbles. Weather beautiful Business is wretched beyond description, but we are quite easy in finances, and rates are very low for money