The Diary

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NewYork&Astoria, July 6th 1894.

July 6th

fridaythe terrible R.R. strike all over the West, which has caused almost a famine of meat all over the Country is evidently nearing its end. Business is still wretched, but we are very easy in finances. It rains from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Harry E. Freund brings out a very fine, with my reminiscences of Sängerfests since 1850. M E. Garlichs, L. v.Flotow and many others call. Reach home with L.v. Bernuth 7.45 P.M. Received letters from my Willie, Theodor from Southampton. Had to again loan to Smith & Burden $2000. to carry on their sewer job on Hoyt Ave. Astoria. Aug. Petri called, his sister Mrs. Spencer having assigned him her interest their fathers patent


July 7th sat.

Lovely cool day. Terrible scenes at Chicago and the West, murder and destruction of property, RR Cars by the strikers and the mob, adding to the general business depression, and raising prices of meat, also preventing shipment of goods. Josephine Grimm (daughter of George Grimm, carver in our employ) calls, plays for me, and is a highly talented girl, whose musical education I shall help along. Remain at mansion and work. Drive girls and grandson to Beach give them a ride on carousel. At 2 P.M. drive with Louis v.B. to Flushing races, principals all being jews. We return by way of College Point, L.v.B. by boat & I in wagon. Met Iwan von Auw & visited Mr. Pauli, one of the founders of the Liederkranz Jan 9th 1847. and its first secretary. J. O. Toussaint calls at 7 P.M. play Skat with him and Bernuth, lose 21 Cts

July 8th Sund.

Lovely but remarkably cold day. Whole family except baberich, Maud +Meta, go in Daimler Motor boat to Great Neck. Have slightly loose bowels yesterday Charles F. Tretbar (who is the assignee of my claim) obtained Judgment for $17000 agt the N.Y. & Lg Isl. Comp. which is mentioned in every paper today. Drive with children to barber & beach in forenoon, and with baberich & members of the Flushing Jockey Club to look at my Peters & Rapalye property on Flushing road

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July 9th Mond.

Terrible day, being almost hounded to death by mendicants, A. J. Kapp, also Alice Smith, D. Byrd, M. Maurer +c. Weather quite cool and pleasant Presidents proclamation seems to have had a good effect, strikers weakening. Play Skat with L.v.B. & H. A. Cassebeer, win 67 Cents