The Diary

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NewYork, July 14th 1894, Astoria,


is very hot. Carl v. B. comes stops with me, plays Skat with L.v.B. Cassebeer +myself beating us badly. I lose 86 Cents

July 15th Sund.

Lovely day, not too warm. Papers state that E.R. Gas Co. tunnel from Ravenswood to E. 71 str N.Y. was completed last Wednesday and is a perfect success. Great strikes have come to a complete end every where, and order reigns everywhere, Pres. Cleveland having by his energetic and manly attitude been the principal factor in the case. Prof. v. Helmholtz reported to be at the point of death, having had a stroke of paralysis a few days ago. The new cruiser "Minneapolis" yesterday on her trial developed a speed of 2305 knots pr. hour General business is still extremely wretched, Emigration is almost larger than Immigration, for the past half year exports have been much heavier than imports yet, yet Gold shipments from the U.S. to Europe have been very heavy, and still continue. J. O. Toussaint, Carl v.B. to dinner with me. Drive with Tobin of Flushing Jockey Club to my Rapalye +Peters farm. He is delighted with it as a Race track. Today is the heaviest day at North Beach since its existence such immense crowds have come from Brooklyn, New York and Flushing &College Point. In eveg I work while C. & L.v.B. Toussaint &Cassebeer play Skat

July 16th Mond.

Excessively busy. Miss Magdalena D. J. Bauer sings for me, has good voice +intonation, lawyer Martins with her. Home at Mansion working. Lovely weather, Mrs. Lyon called

July 17th Tuesday.

fine weather Work in forenoon drive at 11 A.M. to City get shaved at Balz, walk to Luchow for lunch, then to Rapid Transit Com. all present. Formally adopt route +plans of old Com. then adjourn to Septbr 25th. W. Barclay Parsons will go to Glasgow, London, Paris, to study the Underground systems there. At 4 P.M. to L.K. Music Com. Session, I succeed in harmonizing all little feeling. Richd H. Adams returned from Germany. Take dinner there. Play Skat with Loeser & Dr. Senner, lose $156/100, Drive home by 11.45. P.M. boat. Reach Mansion at 12½ A.M. Arion decided today $4000 to Van der Stucken thereby retaining him

| My Willie & Theodor at Seesen with their tutor Hermann J. Schmitz