The Diary

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NewYork+Astoria July18th 1894.

July 18th Wed.

Remain at Mansion all day. J. Grimm vls calls also R. Franko w others. Arrange with Sprenger and Menzl. today New Waterpipe l", new tank in yard, connect Oakes salt Water pipe and Iron tank on roof, all at new "Steinway, Lg. Isl. City factories weather lovely I do a great deal of work, being very little disturbed Debs in prison and strike all broken up. papers all comment favorably on Rapid Transit Actions, play Skat in evg los 6 Cts

July 19th Thursday.

In N.Y. It is quite hot, have conference with Steinhardt Feist and Tobin, v. Bernuth and Walter C. Foster being also there and agree upon terms to rent Astoria Homestead Co. plot of ground opposite St. Michaels Cemetery. Lease to be drawn out tomorrow In evg Surveyor Smith calls I give him points, Tobin also calls A Trube called in afternoon, also Mr. Scott for Miss Sinclair

July 20thfrid.

Again quite warm. Start for New York at 11 A.M. got shaved lunch up stairs at Lüchows, then in the heat to my office, Miß Frances Schmitthenner, who is there with Mrs. Riehl, sings for me. McCabe calls, have a long talk with him about the R.R. its connections, he the proposed racetrack. Work til 9 P.M. drive to Mansion, during the night loose bowels set in very annoyingly. The heat is dreadful during the night, which sleep less to me.

Willie & Theodore from Seesen to Frankfurt

July 21st sat.

Dr. Fitch calls, prescribes Bismuth powder, and only liquid nourishment for today. I take a fine nap of several hours on the lounge in the library. Steinway +Sons Employe's picnic takes place this afternoon and evg but I cannot go there on account of my loose bowels. Towards evg Northern storms set in, with slight showers. Dr. Fitch washes out my bowels with an enema. It grows quite cold in evg and during night I sleep quite well. Louis v. Bernuth remains over with me

July 22d sund

Quite cold, my loose bowels continue but without pain to me. I sit up all day in the library of Steinway Mansion. Carl v.Bernuth spends day with us. He, L.v.B. Cassebeer +I play Skat in afternoon + evg lose $256/100. Quite a storm sets in and lasts all night, very cold.

July 23d mond.

Storm and cold continues. I slept well and grow better. Remain at Mansion and work all day. The Misses Sutro played at London on their duettos at Steinway Hall with fine Success. Menzl calls and tells me that