The Diary

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NewYork&Astoria, August 1st 1894


intelligent man. Chas. H. St. recd cablegram from Stetson that he sail with his family pr. Columbia from Hamburg tomorrow Remain at Mansion all day & do much work

Aug 2d Thursd.

To St. Hall early, and by the electric fan keep quite comfortable, Mrs. Bainbridge Smith calls, in ev'g at Liederkranz Vorstands and Trustee session, where I have not been since Decbr. 1st 1892. Drive to Mansion from there, it commences to rain at last, only slightly, however

| Stetson sails from Hamburg on Steamer Columbia

Aug 3d friday.

Quite cool Weather, the welcome rain did much good go to City early, and for a wonder am but little disturbed all day at my office. Money rates begin to harden again. On driving home, L.v.B. & I stop at 37 W. 37th str. Mr &Mrs. Fritz v. Bernuth who just returned home from Europe pr. Fuerst Bismarck. She saw my Willie & Theodor with their tutor Schmitz at Frankfurt, looking well. In ev'g am called upon by Burden, Geo. H. Smith +Walter C. Foster conferring on proposed racetrack. Heavy rains during the night

Aug 4th sat.

Remain at Manson, cool weather. Yesterday Santo Caesario the murderer of Pres. Carnot, was convicted and sentenced to death at Lyons, France. Yesterday I also sent by my son George $100 to M. Bernkopf so that her sister Anna can come from France to New York to become Kindergärtnerin. Leonard Smith calls with new plans of racetrack, George H. Smith +Therin H. Burden call, also C. Schmidt. In evg J. Otto Toussaint calls, play Skat with him &Cassebeer lose 97 Cts Decide definitely to postpone building of race track til fall and tell lawyer H. H. Walker so, who approves of the matter +c..

Aug. 5th sund.

Had a cool night, L.v.B. at Arverne, cool day, am busy with visitors, Tobin, Lemcke, Benner, Weddigen +c. in the forenoon. Do a great deal of work in afternoon + evg. at Mansion. Drive with Julia Cassebeer to North beach, Flushing Avenue, Ehret Avenue, over proposed racetrack and explain everything to her. It is an ideal day, and again an immense but very orderly crowd on the beach half of them from Brooklyn by the new electric road