The Diary

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NewYork +Astoria, August 10th 1894.

Aug. 10th friday.

Beautiful cool day. Stetson and family arrive by steamer Columbia in forenoon, in good health. E. A. Potter from Chicago, Stetson, Chas. H. St. +I confer on Chicago Matters. Mrs. Krüsi calls, we arrange my donation of $500. to go to Application Bureau of organized Charity organization Society, $200. and $300 to said Society, Martha Habelmann a Trube and Mrs. Bird call. In ev'g at Mansion. H. H. Walker called, and yesterday Wm. Ottmann & Osborn, Race track men and experts. In evg at Mansion, play Skat with H. A. Cassebeer and L.v.Bernuth, lose 56 Cents

Aug 11th sat.

Slept splendidly, and again an Ideal day. Remain at Mansion all day working. Congress at Washington still trying to patch up a Tariff bill, the Country suffering beyond descripton on acct.the uncertainty Drive out, at 4 P.M. see Balloon ascension at North Beach, woman dropping from a height about 400 feet into Bowery Bay, large crowd present Drive to Jackson Ave. then to Dicksons Newtown road to St. Ave+home. Send Leonce with the girls in the house to North Beach at 8 P.M. Louis v. Bernuth with Raceboat (Daimler) to Larchmont race, where Chas. H. St. wins the cup with the Daimler Motorboat

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Aug 12th Sund.

Weather cold & showery, Work all day at Mansion but am much disturbed, played Skat last night with L, C, +R.v.B. won $1.26. Walter C. Foster called, also Burden, Mrs. +Miß von Poser, H. C. Bake from Hartford, arrange with him purchase of boat "Gemine" for $5000. subject to Mtge of Daimler Motor Comp. of about $3280. Visitors light on beach today.

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Aug 13th Mond.

At St. Hall, excessively busy. E. A. Potter of Chicago lays plans of new Temple of Music before us, carry out Baker sale of "Gemine" to L. v. Bernuth and before latter & Mr. Weimann state sale is positive


Aug 14th Tuesd.

Chas H. St. Henry Ziegler Stetson +myself consult with Potter and decide to retain Lyon Potter & Co location on Wabash Ave. for store. At L.K. in evg, play Skat with Hoffmann, Adams Jacob Kämmerer, lost 40 Cents. Had Com. Session on new stage for L.K. postponed for one week