The Diary

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NewYork +Astoria, Aug. 15th 1894.

   Aug. 15th Wed.

Warm day. Tariff bill passed by house on 13th inst. as it came from Senate begins to have a favorable effect on business. I work at Mansion all day am but little disturbed.

Aug. 16th Thursd.

to St. Hall, Dr. Ziegfeld & daughter calls, am excessively busy all day, mendicants call in droves, A. M. Britting, also Conrad who for the third time wants to borrow $20. after getting twice $20. I drive him out. Rosa Franko sings for me, Mr. Groebl & Alma Trube being present. She has a nice voice and sings well. Julia Cassebeer goes to White Mountains pr. steamer via Portland, Me, with Wiehls At Mansion in evg, play Skat with Cassebeer & L.v.B. lose 70 Cents

Aug. 17th frid.

Caesario, the murderer of Canot was guillotined at Lyons yesterday. wrote letters til 11.30 A.M. then drive to town am very busy all day, lunched at Lüchows, wrote letters to Europe. At Mansion alone in evg working. Business seems to be somewhat stimulated all over the U.S. by passing Tariffbill in Congress. Held Ravenswood Impt Co. directors Meeting, Thos. Kavanagh resigned as director+Pres. elected Dave Horn director and Harry D. Low President. Carried whole Ravenswood Improvement Comp. papers to Mansion to look over tomorrow Recd letter in german from my Willie, and letter in english from my Theodor from Lucerne, recd also a letter from Louisa A. St. from Schwalbach, her sister Riekchen has been quite ill. Bought stock of Wm. H. Williams in the Bowery Bay Blg+Imnpt Co. 20 shares for $500. + gave him check. C. Schmidt called.

death of J. Adam Lautz at Buffalo, N.Y.

Aug 18th sat.

Lovely cool day. Slept splendidly. Str. Augusta Victoria came from Southampton in 6 days, 19 hours 45 Minutes, and "Campania" from Queens town in 5 days, 9 hours, 19 Minutes, holding thereby the best record. Theron H. Burden called, also Weimann as to settlement of boat consigned to him. C. Schmidt +Mrs. Rev. Kuehn called. C., R. v. B. +Toussaint to supper with us, play Skat with L +C.v.B. +Toussaint win 94 Cents.C.v.B. stays til monday with us..+c

Aug 19th Sund.

foggy in forenoon, Vigilant ran on sunken rocks at the needles Southampton, yesterday and lost her Centerboard. Weather clearing up, quite a concourse of people on North Beach, over which I drove towards evg. Played Skat with L. + C.v. Bernuth lost $129/100