The Diary

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NewYork & Astoria, Aug 20th 1894.

Aug 20th Mond.

Rains in forenoon, to St. Hall early, very busy all day, Chas H. St. telephones the joyful News that a little daughter was born to him at Larchmont yesterday. Work in evg, on tax assessment matter of Astoria Homestead Co. and Ravenswood Improvement Company Harry E. Freund pestered me with discounting Notes for him. E. Muller from Springfield, Mass. called about compositions.. &c Played Skat with L.v.B. & Cassebeer, lost 20 Cents

Marie Louise

Aug. 21st Tuesd.

Excessively busy all day, work til 6.30 P.M. at St. Hall, then drive to L.K. Com. Session on stage, postpone final action on one week play Skat, won, but Adams took my cards when I left, I took supper at L.K. with Adams, Hoffmann & Cillis. Clemens Müller grossly insults latter in my presence, calling him "Der größte Intriguant im Liederkranz" Home at Mansion at midnight

Aug. 22d Wednesd.

At Mansion all day. Fixed up Astoria Homestead Comp. affairs and Minutes. At 5-7 P.M. drive with Leisel & Wahle over beach, as to Picnic of L.K. on Sept 15th. They are delighted with the beach, boat and R.R. facilites. M. Maurer, Mrs. Kühn +called

| Blackwells Isl. Bridge ground broken at E. 64th str. Schermehorn obtains injunction

Aug 23d Thursd.

Lovely cool weather continues, At St. Hall all day, have another scene with A. Jos. Kapp, and loan him the last $200, making him sign that he will not trouble again Mrs. Ingo Kraemer calls +tells me that her husband fell in the house + his eye was injured and he in Harlem Hospital. A. Trube also called, Adolph Cluss from Washington, Flachsenhaar and others. Drive to Mansion with Paula. Judge Lacombe decided against the Syndicate (incl. George Ehret) of the Harney Peak Tin Mining +Milling +Manfg Comp. and scored them in his decision most severly. Cabled to Ottendorfer Dick Ranft & Fred T. St. on board of "Fuerst Bismark," in which they sailed from Hamburg today Wrote many letters in eveg


Aug. 24th frid.

To St. Hall early. Very busy. warmer weather. E. Leonhardt calls also Frl. Gina on recommendation of Lohse, wants to borrow money for her education, declined. Aug. Zinsser called on the unfortunate Eddy Kreischer __. Dr. Noeggerath case, arrange interview with him and George F. Kreischer next Monday. In evg play Skat with L.v.B. & Cassebeer, win 75 Cents +c.