The Diary

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NewYork & Astoria, Septbr. 22d 1894.

Sept. 22d sat.

Remain at Mansion, our business has taken an unprecedented spurt, especially in Upright pianos. Yesterday Pres. Rafael Nunez, Pres. of Columbia died. There seems to be the great danger that both City and State of New York will get into the hands of the republican party by the aid of the socalled democratic reformers The Staatszeitung is gradually adopting these, my, views. Have many calls, J. Grimm, Mrs. Krusi, Mrs. Kessler. Settle with Prof. Herman J. Schmitz for European trip with my boys, and he tells me all about it. H. H. Walker + Diderich Van Aken call, taken Leonard Smiths plan of excavating proposed Racetrack, afterwards Rentien +friend call, and take duplicate plotted plan, to lay before Ullmann in Chicago. Rev. Dr. Gulick also calls. Anna Bernkopf arrived today on the steamer Touraine from Havre, Julius Frank took her to a Mission on 16th street. John C. Freund says that the Steinerts lost the Weber Agency, also that Nembach removed the Steck Agency from Krell in Cincinnati. Mrs. Julia Cassebeer calls in evg, play Skat with Cassebeer +L.v.B. lose 12 Cts

Septbr. 23d Sund.

Beautiful sunny warm day. Drive to barber, then with Baberich +his nurse to North Beach. Mr.+Mrs. Fritz v. Bernuth, also Carl v.B. are with us to dinner. Ladies drive out, gentlemen take a spin with the "Gemini'. L.v.B. +I have a long talk with Kübler as to future of Daimler Motor. Have quite a heavy European mail brought me from NewYork. J. Otto Toussaint also calls


Sept. 24. Mond.

At St. Hall 10-6 P.M. My right leg gradually growing better Frl. Kutscherra + Neumann of Chicago calls

Sept. 25th Tuesd.

To N.Y. + Lg Isl. R.R. Meeting, no Quorum, eat with L.v.B. at Rathskeller, at 2 P.M. to Rapid Transit Meeting, then St. Hall at 6.30. P.M. to L.K. Herr Zopke there. Willie to School Garden City


Sept. 26th Wed.

At St. Mansion all day. Kübler, Weimann, L.v.B. + I have Meeting and set sat & sunday to take up stock in Daimler Motor Co


Sept 27th Thursd

At St. Hall 10-5½ P.M. Dreadful trouble by mendicants. D. Bird, Kutscherra, A. Trube + called. At L.K. in evg, last Vorstands & Trustee Meeting held before election. Yesterday David B. Hill nominated by democrats at Saratoga for Governor, Gaynor for Court of Appeals and Lockwood of Erie for Lt Governor Louisa A. St. & Rieke Kreischer per Spree from Europe
