The Diary

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NewYork+Astoria, Septbr 28th 1894.

Sept. 28th frid.

At St. Hall from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. Am again excessively pestered all day. Telegraph to Dr. Emmerling, Pres. Milwaukee Musik Verein for festival tonight. Kutscherra sings for me very nicely Capt. Gallagher called on me to help him. Drive with L.v. Bernuth at 5.30 P.M. to Mansion. Read +work in evg

Sept. 29th sat.

Clear windy day. Have loose bowels, called, Lillie H. Toussaint, Jos. Grimm, M. Marie Maurer, Ella v Poser said to be engaged to Menzl's oldest son. Remain at Mansion all day and do a great deal of work. Last Tuesd. called the lawyer Wm. J. Kelley of the N.Y. + Lg Isl. Bridge Comp. stating that both Piers on Blackwells Isl. were contracted out and would be immediately commenced. Baberich sings for us Papa wont buy me a "wowwow" It is too laughable. In evg, Mr. +Mrs. Louis von Bernuth & Theodore St. are at the opening of Conrieds German Theatre; also Miss Krüsi. In evg. Ella v. Poser and Albert E. Menzl call on me telling me of their betrothal. Received a fine telegram of thanks from J. C. Emerling President of the Milwaukee Musical Society


Septbr. 30th Sund.

Blowing a hurricane all night, it is quite cold, and the tide is immensely high at noon, with a tremendous surf Carl v. Bernuth +son are with us for dinner & supper. Little Baberich causes us a great deal of merriment by his antics. Herald says a new syndicate is forming to raise the gold treasure from the frigate "Hussar." sunk at Port Morris in 1780. I feel first rate and now get up after sitting for hours +walk without crutch or cane. Skat with C. + L.v.B. + Cassebeer lose $1 02/100

Octbr 1st Mond.

Ideal day, remove to town, business continues to be immense both retail and wholesale. In Berlin 187 Corporals +soldiers are arrested +locked up in the fortress of Magdeburg by order of Emperor Wilhelm II for shouting "Anarchy." I am almost hounded to death. Gina sings for me, has good voice Kutscherra, R. T. McCabe and many others call.. At 6 P.M. walk home without crutch or cane, from St. Hall to 26 Gramercy Park. tiring me somewhat, at 8 P.M. drive to German Savings Bank, preside, Bissinger not having arrived as yet, Bk has over $3.200.000. surplus and $33.496.000 deposits. Gustav Burkard engaged to Fannie B. Schoenwald