The Diary

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NewYork, Novbr. 17th 1894.

Novbr. 17th sat.

Raining all day. To St. Hall early, comparative quiet in forenoon, but busy afternoon. The papers all have the news but all in fairly correct form. H. A. Cassebeer, G. J. Candidus call, Charles H. St. all feel very bad about the decision. Mrs. Weihl and Meta her daughter, call, also Fanny Arming, with whom I have quite a talk about her learning to be a Kindergärtnerin. Home in eveg working, while Mr. +Mrs. L.v.B. are at the N.Y. Philharmonic Concert. The week has again been a most prosperous one 69 pianos shipped, and if we had not run short of stock in Upright pianos we could ship many more. We are now considerably ahead of shipments as compared with 1893 same date and today had over $160.000. in Banks. My general health is very good, I look rosecheeked but my right knee & instep are still affected and little improved. My little grandson drives to St. Hall with me every morning and insists on walking in there and run through it to 15th street. My son Theodore stutters very badly and I am quite unhappy about it. Am arranging all the papers in the Harbuckle Hamburg case to be ready next Tuesday


Novbr. 18th sund.

Yesterday Chas. C. Kreischer called and had a long conference with me in which he confessed his troubles to me and asked my aid. Adam Weber came in also + we had a chat. Lovely clear day, Sport with us to dinner Willie v. Bernuth lovely and lively. I do a great deal of work during the day, being but once detained by Heinrich Meyer and Kuebler as to Daimler Motor Matter and by a young man named Abell, whose brother is studying Violin in Germany introduced by Chauncey M. Depew. Write notice for Musical Courier of Harbuckle decision, and checks and letters distributing the $6.250. from Rapid Transit Compensation to charities. L.v. Bernuth & wife drive out to make visits in afternoon, I drive to L.K. Concert which is very crowded, fine performance, the Misses Sutro play, Emperor William II Sang am Aegir sung, which is quite pretty. Home at 9.30 P.M. work till 11 PM


Novbr. 19th Mond.

Cold clear day. To St. Hall early, consult with Cotterill and afterwards with Henry Ziegler, Fritz +Chas. H. St. as to Harbuckle case. Resolve to appeal agt from Judge Ingrahams decision. Mrs. Sutro plagues me, Paul Ziegler harasses me & loan him $10.46 G. Rhoner calls, also M. v. Hammer. Czar Alexander III buried today. It grows excessively cold. I work in evg home. Send out my Rapid Transit money to Charities