The Diary

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NewYork, Jan'y 5th 1895.

Jan'y 5th saturday.

To St. Hall early, both Cotterill and Hoyt there. At 1 P.M. take lunch with them at Luchows, then in my carriage via 34th street to Steinway Ave (which is nicely paved now) to "Steinway" and take a flying glance at Mansion, Riker Avenue, factories, dock & houses, church, Kindergarten. Snow frozen firmly on the ground. At 7 P.M. to Julius Hoffmann 25th Anniversary at L.K. in Committee room. Mr. Gustav H. Schwab presides I have charming chat with him, Hoffmann, Adams, Heye, Brunn +. Presentation of a beautiful watch & chain by chairman to Hoffmann, also of a $1000 bond. I am called upon to make a speech, which is recd with immense applause, getting in many witty hits, home at 11 P.M. While on way from Astoria we glance over Plaintiffs brief in Carriage, brief continuing most shameful lies and pervertion of testimony. Paid off BBB+It Co. Mtge. $14.000. to U.S. Trust Co

Jan'y 6th Sund.

Foggy clammy weather. Receive the said News that our life long friend Oberstaatsanwalt Koch died at Braunschg Decbr.22d 1894. aged 76 years Henry A. Cassebeer called in forenoon. My little daughter Maud, who had been ailing for a week or so is quite well again. I also have better News from my son George, who, though still confined to bed at Mamaroneck, is getting better in body and mind from week to week. At St. Hall from 2-6 P.M. Cotterill and Hoyt, Louis v.B. & Harry D. Low there. We go over brief (in Hamburg case) of Sullivan &Cromwell and it assails Chas. H. St. violently on his evidence, but is otherwise pronounced weak by our lawyers. Am home in evg trying to work but Theodore Sutro calls about Albert Weber case, German Savings Bank and an office for him, he now being the Pres. of the German Am. Reform Union

Jan 7th Mond.

Excess. busy, work with both lawyers again all day + evg at St. Hall. Nahum Stetson to Chicago on business

Jan 8. Tuesd.

R. T. McCabe called. tells me confidentially that he secured Gleason Road, work with lawyers again all day & evg. at St. Hall, except when I stop at Rapid Transit, where Chas. P. Clark appears before us

Jany. 9th Wed.

Again work all day at St. Hall, with Chas. H. St., Burkard and the two lawyers, Home in evg and write a few letters, Frl. M. Bernkopf appeals in a letter for help for her parents. Annual Meeting N. Y. +College Point Ferry Comp. at College Point, gave L.v. Bernuth my proxy B. Newport called at my house

| Willie to school Garden City