The Diary

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NewYork, January 30th 1895.

January 30th Wed.

Promptly at Supreme Court. Fine article in the Times I go on the stand and testify all day in relation to the accomodation account explaining Bollman Bros. Matthias Gray, E. R. Gas Co. F. Grote + Comp. Notes, extensions renewals and loans, also Cassebeer and Const. Schmidt loans. Judge and spectators are astounded at my marvellous memory. Supper at Lüchows all together then consult together at Stetsons Office til nearly 11 P.M. The horrible News arrives that steamer "Elbe" was run down before before daybreak this morning by a small english steamer "Crathie" in the North Sea and over 300 people lost their lives. George H. Smith testified at 2 P.M. for a short time before me

|| Old Bernkopf cables from Dresden "Revviera"

Jany 31st Thursd.

Promptly at Court. Again take the stand and testify as to the alleged banking and deposit accounts, Louisa A. St. her two daughters Mrs. v. Bodman, Mrs. v. Blumenthal, Geilfuss +c. Names having been mentioned by Plaintiff and all duly explained by me how the Names came to be mentioned on our ledger. After recess Menzl takes the stand but is a rather poor witness, not panning out as we anticipated. At two P.M. I again take the stand, explain Charity & donation account, plaintiffs doings in regard to it, his acquiescence +c At 4.30 P.M. Peckham moves to suspend trial, and it is agreed to resume Monday, Febr. 18th. Drive home and work in evg. Loss of steamship "Elbe" confirmed, but one woman rescued. Mayor Wm. L. Strong laid up with the gout


Febr. 1st friday.

Cotterill calls in forenoon and we discuss trial. He and Hoyt call again in afternoon. Keep almost everybody away from me. Mrs. Bainbridge Smith, Freisinger + O. Brandeis only are admitted Ward McAllister died yesterday. Vice Consul Rupprecht calls, enquires as to social position of Philip Jung who had dedicated composition to the Emperor +sent him new Music school Home in evg working, retire before 11 P.M. rest well, v. Hammer called.

|| Ward McAllister died

Febr. 2d sat.

Rather cold. Cotterill calls, for 3 hours on our case. Am called upon by lots of people such as B. Newport, v. Hammer, V. Franck, E. Schilling, S. Trenkmann. Graef +Wilhelms call are in financial trouble. Queen Lilikuliani in prison at Hawai for alleged treason. My Grandsons Anne leaves him and got married yesterday
