The Diary

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NewYork, March 25th 1895.

March 25th Monday.

All day at Steinway Hall, send for my lunch Blumenberg calls, Steinert calls, also man from the World, the papers crazy to obtain Advertisements. Underhill calls as to Rway bonds, Kutschera calls. Home in ev’g working, Kübler calls we decide to order raw castings of motors from Cannstatt by cable. The old drygoods jobbing firm of Jaffray &Co. goes into the hands of a Receiver. Excitement in Germany continues about Reichstag refusing to congratulate Fürst Bismarck. Jenny Foell also calls, having come from Phila this forenoon. Old C. Bernkopf sent a letter from Dresden apologizing for his language +letters

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March 26th Tuesd.

Remain home in forenoon. Holwede cabled yesterday that Grand was delivered at Friederichsruh and played on by him yesterday there Press reports state that Fürst Bismarck had an immense number of distinguished visitors and made a characteristic speech. N.Y. Staatszeitung commences to oppose the Mayor Wm. L. Strong calling him a strict party man. Weather fine for the 50th Anniversary German Frauen Verein Concert at Carnegie Hall tonight. Jencks for the Boulevard land owners, and Walter Frew Cashier of the Queens County Bank call, latter informs me that President Knapp last night died at Fifth Ave. Hotel, aged but 43 years. In evg at Frauen Mar Verein Concert Carnegie Hall, Emma Juch, Carrie Hirschman, Emil Senger, Ida Haar, L. K. Hon. Carl Schurz speaks makes reference of praise to me (applause) fine success. Become acquainted with Francis L. Wellman, husband of Miss Juch. I then drive to L.K. Hall. meet Teddy Cassebeer, Paul Schmidt and Jenny Foell, get home at 1 AM


March 27th Wed.

All day at St. Hall working, and having many callers, among them A. M. Tischer. Work home in ev’g, Carl v. Bernuth with us Refuse loan to Chas. E. Locke

March 28th Thursd.

Clear but windy day. Funeral of Pres. Knapp, I drive to Windsor Hotel with L.v.B. At noon Harbuckle serves us with a letter full of ridiculous demands. I have it manifolded and send copy to Geo. W. Cotterill In afternoon home trying to put down points on which to speak tonight. Flachsenhaar calls. At 7 P.M. with L.v.B. drive to Hotel Waldorf to annual banquet of Piano Mfr. Association. Proddow, Pres. introduces me as toastmaster and I respond to the toast “Our