The Diary

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NewYork, May 28th 1895. Astoria

May 28th Tuesd.

At 10.30 A.M. with Kate and my Grandson over Shore road to 92d str. Ferry, they returning home by trolley car. Meet Nahum Franko on 90th street, I then drive through Park & 5th Ave. home to Steinway Hall. Mr. Calhoun Ex Mayor Cooper call with Miss Marie Bailey the pianiste, have a long conversation with them. Harry E. Freund interviews me on death of David Decker, and Fred Hazelton I get shaved and finally at 1.30 P.M. succeed in driving to Rapid Transit session. Orr not there we reelect last years Officers then after stopping a few minutes at St. Hall drive home via 34th str. Ferry, find that I can walk slowly with crutches or canes, so the principal trouble is still my swollen right hand, which I cannot use in any way

May 29th Wed.

Lovely day. Am at St. Hall from 11 AM. to 5 P.M. Am badly pestered by mendicants and callers. Arrive home at Mansion 6 P.M. My swollen hand slowly improving. Called Arthur Mees, B. Newport, A. B. Rippe, H. Kammerer Leopold Smith +c. at St. Hall. Tretbar went to the Country today

May 30th Thursd.

Decoration day. Lovely weather, boats + cars filled from early morning with crowds going to the beach. Louis v.B. +Paula by R.R. to Roesler at Great Neck, Ottilie C. St. having moved out to her house again. Hand improving and I can write better again. Letter from C. A. Klemm Dresden states that Philip Burkard called there and made no good impression on him. Yesterday Malcolm W. Niven called, trying to get me to buy the Oliver Barnes Judgment which I refuse. At 4 P.M. drive out with Anne Krüsi and Meta +Maud, the beach is quite filled, and boats and cars crowded from early morning til night. HenryA. Cassebeer +Genl Wingates young law partner + L.v.B. play Skat in evg. Meta is not quite well. In afternoon Mrs. Kessler and her daughter Mrs. Tischer called, latter sang but her voice is not very large nor effective. I can now walk slowly without crutches or canes, and my right hand is constantly improving. My son Theodore took the first prize in elocution at his school yesterday
