The Diary

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NewYork & Astoria, July 3 1895.


H. Kammerer called, also Mack of Journal of Commerce and Day who obtains from me $60. subscription. Home in evg at Mansion play Skat with Carl v. B. +Cassebeer, win 33 Cents

July 4th Thursd.

Cloudy gloomy weather. Work all day. Oscar v. B. calls +takes a spin with L.v.B. in Daimler Motor to Larchmont. Albert J. Weber calls, tells me that on advice of his lawyer David McClure he will not give up the notes of old Mrs. Tiedemann, his mother in law. Work all day writing letters. paul Schmidt & Teddy Cassebeer sail for Europe with Cooks party at noon today. Prince Bismarck who was very ill has improved geatly. The German papers are pitching into Schurz, Schwab,ev. Briesen, Schiff & others for the card which I refused to sign last Tuesday. Yesterday Frl. Annie Krüsi and my little daughter Maud went to Lake Hopatcong for a change of air on account of her cough. Howard R. Burk also called + stays overnight with us. It rained heavily from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. Did a great deal of useful work. Play Skat in evg with Cassebeer +Carl +L.v.B. lost 13 Cents. Phil Burkard returned from Europe

July 5th frid.

All day at St. Hall viz from 10½ A.M. to 9 P.M. Get off heavy European mail& Staatszeitungs. It rains off and on all day +evg. Have many Callers among them Mrs. Agnes T. Northrup. Pianobusiness has become very dull the booming bycicle businss seems to injure it. H. Kammerer and August Spanuth called, latter tells me his side of the trouble. Arrive at Mansion in rain at 10 PM

July 6th sat.

Feel worse in my back, almost lumbago like. Albert J. Weber sails for Europe. My son George A. Steinway comes from Mamaroneck and executes all further necessary papers. Burk also calls and both arrange a trip to Halifax pr. steamer “Orinoco” from next saturday July 13th. It is again a gloomy day, with extreme moisture, which evidently is not good for me. Am further called on my Nehrbauer, Rudolph Springer with his house plan, and I also have my hair cut. The Board of Aldermen granted to the Steinway Railway Comp. a new franchise through Third street from Jackson Avenue to Front street in Lg Isl. City also through Vernon Ave from Borden to Flushing street, to Front street to Borden Avenue, the franchises of March 1893 were also extended for three years