The Diary

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NewYork +Astoria, July 6th 1895.


all agt the strenuous opposition of Alderman Knauer Mackie. At 4 P.M. drive out with “Bum” to Ravenswood, near Broadway we see 3 Italians with two bears, one of the latter, a large animal walks on its hind legs, dances, turns summersaults and hugs +kisses the driver, shakes hands with him and climbs up a telegraph pole, all of which puts our little Bum in extasy. Toussaint called wanting advice on chattelmortgaging his furniture, from which I dissuade them, Steinhauer, Stechert and Zopke also call. I have somewhat loose bowels suddenly setting in at 6 PM going today in all 4 times. retire at 10 P.M. feel Rheumatism in large left Muscle of lower back pretty badly

July 7th Sunday.

Fine weather and very warm day. Am costive today, Quietly read and work. Consult with Menzl as to his intended European trip July 18th pr. Normannia. At 4 P.M. drive through Ravenswood with L.v.B. then to North Beach, which is visited by a tremendous crowd of people the N.Y. + College Pt. Ferry Co. having taken in no less than $1800 today. Play Skat in Evg. with Cassebeer, + L.v.B. lost 58 Cents. Mrs. Grover Cleveland has a little daughter

July 8th Mond.

Warm wather. Have an awful time with Crawford of Cincinnati who wants to borrow $ addition to what Smith +Nixon owe us now. C. T. Klein called, also M. Melville, Al Trube, E. Schneider who sails for Germany by steamer ”Dania” Have a long conference with Dr. Satterlee who advises me strongly not to waste my time by going to Mount Clemens, Mich. My Son George A. Steinway returned for good from Mamaroneck and remains with us over night. I am feeling quite well Shooting festival extended + going on today. Work in evg til 10 PM

July 9th Tuesd.

Sultry day, remain at Mansion til 1 P.M. then drive to City. George A. St. in Daimler Motor boat to Roeslers at Great Neck to see his two youngest children. I have sold several Steinway Railway bonds at 103 and Interest net. My back is still affected in the large left Muscle but I can walk slowly without cane or crutches. At 8 P.M. drive to L.K. where I had not been for 3 months, meet Hoffmann, give George Peters $25. Attend Finance Com. Meeting as to L.K. Mtge, meet Dr. Krug and greet him warmly. He still looks pale from mental suffering