The Diary

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Buffalo, August 15th 1895.


At 7.30 P.M. depart for N.Y. Denton +Daniels see me off. Heat insufferable. Am unable to sleep. At 7.30 A.M.

Aug 16th

arrive at Grand Central Depot, drive to St. Hall, drink a cup of tealinfront of Hotel Dam. Thence to Steinway Mansion, dictate letter to Holwede to Oberländer, B. Newport calls tells me ofher entry into Abbey & Grau’s Italian Opera Chorus. My carriage Yesterday from Momouth Beach to town. My twin screw Daimler Motor Gemini is now at Monmouth Beach. Dictate Write letter to M. Maurer. Henry A. Cassebeer and Julia Cassebeer spend evg with me. At noon L.v.B. called on me


Aug. 17th sat.

Moist warm day, slept fairly well though awakening half a dozen times during last night. Work til 2.30 P.M. then drive to factory, see our new splendid basin for rain water, betw. main factory and lumber repository. Then with Springer and Kuebler through Daimler Motor Comp. New Buildg. all finished and looks splendid. Springer will give us advice. Then drive with Julia Cassebeer via Steinway Ave. +Harnel str. to see patato patches on my Ravenswood property, then we drive to North Beach where quite a number of people are bathing and congregated.


Aug 18th sund.

I again slept little durng the night. We have a glorious mild day, am called upon by the Officers ofour Steinway ReliefSoc. they bitterly complain about being assailed +called thieves by some of their fellow workmen. Pacify them, and donate $7550/100 in order to raise surplus from $324.50/100 to $400. also donate $150. to pay all officers disbursments + c. Then have long consultation with Walter J. Foster as to law matters connected with the various Companies. Then I am interviewed by Harry E. Freund+ stenographer, then Smth +Burden call have a long talk with them.
At 4 P.M. with Miss Julia Cassebeer in Carriage via North Beach (which is crowded with people) to Flushing+ College Point, take Wiehawken at 5 P.M. pleasant trip to 99th str. NewYork return via 92d str. Ferry and Shore road at 6.30 to Mansion Cars and boats crowded. Dr. Grafstrom massages me every evg from 9 P.M. since friday last