The Diary

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NewYork, & Astoria, Septbr. 15th 1895.

Sept. 15th Sund.

Cold clear Day. Work all day, and do an immense lot of work. Called A. J. Menzl, Oscar and Carl von Bernuth. In afternoon Henry W. Crawford calls, he again wants to incorporate a number of new things into our understanding of yesterday which I refuse. Richd Ranft jr. calls with wife and daughter, latter is now as tall as my Maud. Poor Julia D. Cassebeer is suffering with carbuncles under her right arm

Sept. 16th Mond.

Quite cold, to St. Hall early, right knee a little heavy. Have a terrible time all day, in forenoon with Crawford, in presence of Stetson & Chas. H. St. He again squirms like an eel. S. Trenkmann, J. Hirschman, D. Bird and many others call. A. Maurer calls and has decided to commence his business at Steinway in the old Koch building. Professor Sigismund Lasar, an old friend of mine died at Brooklyn yesterday, aged 73 years

Septbr. 17th Tuesd.

At St. Hall all day, very busy. Richard H. Adams calls, also Mrs. J. H. Savage, both from Europe. Work til 8.30 P.M. then to L.K. proposed Dr. Otto Gumrecht Vice Consul and Gustave J. Candidus as members. Reach Mansion at 11.30 P.M. It has grown quite warm again. Give letter to Kjelgaard on farm lots

Septbr 18th Wed.

Rained nearly all day, at St. Hall, at last get passport for Mrs. Marie Melville and her daughters who take leave of me, about to start for Hamburg pr. Fürst Bismarck tomorrow. Carrie Hirschman +Dora V. Becker, also Miss Catlin calls, the latter about pianist Breitner of Paris. Am so busy that I am unable to write to Henry Ziegler to intercept him at Paris. Receive letter from my son George from San Franciso written just prior to his sailing from there on Steamer Coptic. He also sent combination of my little storage safe 18 – 4 times left, 89 twin right, then left which is correct. E. A. Potter calls, I sign assignment of Averill leans to the Winslows—as Pres. of Lyon Potter +Co. Chicago. The Republican State Conventon decided to insist upon the puritan sabbath and the excitement among German Americans is steadily growing. Business is steadily improving, and we have lots of money on hand