The Diary

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NewYork+ Astoria, Sept. 26th 1895.


and looks too funny for anything. Urchs at Cincinnati, Crawford has fixed matters with S. E. Clarke&Co. of Detroit and A. D. Coe at Cleveland, but not yet with Crawford+Cox of Pittsburgh. I cabled to Ottendorfer Southampton, and Henry Ziegler Cherbourg, greetings on board Normannia

Septbr. 27th frid

Through the moist weather yesterday I had much pain in my back bet. the shoulder blades and slept very little. I walk down stairshowever, but remain at Mansion, as I can only rise and sit down with difficulty, my left shoulder blade & left neck hurting me. Yesterday I took 4 pills of Dr. Satterlee “to be taken in pain” Dr. Parkhurst now commences to denounce the Germans. Dr. Edward Storck ofBuffalo calls on me at noon. He is very hard of hearing. Cable from Eshelby London that they have remitted £2000 to Berlin. Yesterday my Masseur did not come

death of Wilhelm Georg Wolfrun, Schonpriesen bei Aussig

Sept. 28th Sat.

Cool weather, did a great deal of work. Saw Francis A. Kouwenhoven as to Bower Bay lease. Am interviewed by Roeder, a World Reporter who showed me a despatch from Fargo about divorce of Ottilie C. Steinway from my son George.. I am deeply pained at the publicity but explain matters to him. He also interviewed me on politics. In evg the “Harmonie” serenaded me, and their best singer August Maass Pres. made a speech which I answered and I invite them to go with L.v.B. and H. A. Cassebeer to Steins saloon which they do. Louis Pasteur died today

death of Louis Pasteur Paris ||

Sept. 29th Sunday.

Heavy rainstorms. The World and Herald have the News of my son George A. Steinwy’s divore but in quite unobjectionable form. The other papers have no mention of it. The World has a good interview as to politics, excise, with me. The NewYorker Staatszeitung has a splendid article on the Blackwells Island Bridge with a full view of the Bridge, a View of the depot of 3d Ave + 64th street, and a situation Map showing all surroundings, incl. North Beach, Steinway +c. The Herald has a long sensational article, stating that Mrs. Agnes Oakes North was the woman implicated with Ford, broker and