The Diary

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NewYork, Novbr. 6th 1895

Novbr 6th Wed.

Feel slight touch in left hand and wrist, rub with “balm of Lourdes. weather foggy. An immense Republican Victory almost over the entire Country, only the entire Tammany N.Y. County ticket has been elected among them Truax, Ex Recorder Smythe, and McLean For Supreme Court Judges, and Newsburer for City Court Judge, in LgIsl. City Koehler is elected Senator, and it is doubtful between Gleason +Maden, there being only 8 votes difference between them. Drive home at 3 P.M. and get ready german article on Heinrich Heine. L.v.B., Fr. Kuebler and I confer from 8 P.M. to 10.30 P.M. on his departure next saturday.

Mrs. Henry Hass calls I tell her what Paderewski said yesterday

Novbr. 7th Thursd.

Foggy, my little touch in left hand disappeared. Mayoralty in Brooklyn and Lg. Isl. City still undecided, their respective Votes being about equal. Business is fine wth us, we succeed in sending out our circular to our dealers of Novbr.1st, tonight with all enclosures. Harriet Cady, Ida Stier (with whom I have an important conference) Mrs.Kate Weber, Neuendorffer of Wessell, Nickel +Gross calls, I endorse his son’s application for Cadetship at Westpoint. I am growing better in health every day and walk better too. Chas. H. St. said to have Neuralgia. Fritz St. Julia D. Cassebeer, Reidemeister, L.v. Bernuth and wife to supper with us + then to German Theatre. At 9 P.M. I receive the following telegram “City saved, Madden Mayor by 76 plurality, Thos. Kavanaugh” This however is still quite uncertain, the Courts will probably have to decide

Novbr 8th frid.

Foggy moist day. Had a litle loose Bowels in forenoon. Perfect translation of Heinrich Heine article into english, both read splendidly now. Republican papers all over the state now speak in favor of modifying Sunday clause of the Excise law. J. Fairfield Carpenter and Fr. Kuebler call + take leave prior to sailing pr. “Lucania” tomorrow morning. It is abnormally warm today + evg. Grafstrom massages me in the morning now

Novbr 9th sat.

The dense fog coninues, Stetson is ill and not at the store. I work at St. Hall hard til 1 P.M. driving as I do with with my Grandson “Bum (who now wears leather leggings +boys apparel) as usual through 20th str. 5th Ave. +14th str. to St. Hall. At 1 P.M. with L.v.Bernuth to “Steinway” via 34th str. Ferry, Jackson+Steinwy Ave. Look at Daimler Motor Comp. buildings weigh 211# without hat and overcoat, visit Kraemer factory, proposed basin, Astoria Silk Veneer Wks, builder Erda proposes to rent old Kraemer