The Diary

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NewYork, Decbr.14th 1895.


and Smith houses as to closing Planet Avenue. Home in evg working. Looked at wretched T. F. Kraemer +Co. dregs in the Kraemer factory, also at interior harbor, was also in Daimler Motor Comp. I weigh 213 #s. Pianobusiness has been growing very dull during Decbr. most factories have worked half time or are closed altogether. We still do a splendid retail business, but feel the effects of dull wholesale trade perceptibly. Today, J. H. Hempsted celebrated his 30th anniversary of his entering our employ, his colleagues presented him a love cup, St. +S. will also make him a present. At 7.30 P.M. the sad news from Dresden arrives by the following cablegram “Dresden den 14te Decbr 1895, Steinweg NewYork Papa (Ranft) sanft entschlafen, Oscar (Canzler)” Thus died my father in law Richard Ranft after ailing for a year or so past, aged just 70 years and 6 months. I also recd a letter from him this evg dictated by him on Decbr. 3d, which showed his mind quite clear. I send both to Richd Ranft, jr. who will see me at St. Hall. tomorrow. My article in the Times of the 4th sinst. has been copied all over the U.S. and has caused great rejoicing among the Hebrews

| death of my father in law Richard Ranft at Dresden

Decbr. 15th Sund.

Work all day til 8 P.M. at St. Hall, do a great deal of work, only J. Franko-Kraemer calls, in evg to Academy of Music, where Beethoven M. C. holds festival in honor of the 125th Anniversary of Beethovens birth. The Chorus does not sing well, the tenors are remarkably weak, Laura Danziger plays piano splendidly, walk home.

Consult with R. Ranft jr. as to his going to Europe
talk with William Balck death of A. Maurer

Decbr 17th Tuesd.

To St. Hall early, at 11 A.M. to Criminal Court, testify with Ottendorfer, Ex mayor Grace, J. Edward Simmons as to the good Charater of Sheriff Tamsen. Then take “Hasenpfeffer + Kartoffelklöse” at Wiehl +Widman, walk to Rapid Transit Meeting, where Starin appears after 3 months absence, workat store til 9 P.M. then at L.K. til midnight, meet L. Prang, Wm. Balck. Young Rhoner is the Victor at the Handicap Tournament

Decbr 16th Mond.

Early at St. Hall, work til after 10 P.M.- a constant stream of callers Stetson has returned from Atlanta, Ga. Have conference with L. Danziger and buy 25 tickets. Attended Trustee+stockholders meeting of N.Y. LgIsl. R.R. Company