The Diary

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NewYork, March 7th 1896


F. R. Condert, G.Sherman, and W. H. Gelsheuer today unanimously report and determine in favor of the underground Rapid Transit as laid out by the Rapid Transit Commission, thereby approving our Work. At 8 P.M. drive to Social Evg of Liederkranz, fine evg, am greatly fèted, make a humorous speech and command with great effect a Musical Salamander Richd H. Adams called on me in afternoon +was there in evg.


March 8th Sund.

Snowing while the sun shines. It is quite cold yet At store 10 A.M. left Middlefinger which was somewhat gouty + painful, is better again. Have talk with Henry Ziegler I coughed pretty badly this A.M. under a heavy cold. During the past week there has been much trouble in Italy on account of the disasters to the Italian Army in Abbessynia. Papers are full of the Rapid Transit Matter and confirmation report of the Supreme Court Com. to the Appellate Division, work at Office until 10.30 P.M. Children all have colds +cough +sneeze. L.v.Bernuth +I have a long talk with Fr. Keuber who returned yesterday pr. “Spree: My bond $100.000. for Wm. E. Hardt Admr. cancelled

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March 9th Mond.

Excessively busy all day. Money still very tight +collections very bad. Had interview with Capt. Clark as to Sutro +Co. Baltimore, had a nbr of calls G. Heyne +E. Hammann had conferences with them

March 10th Tuesd.

Again very busy. L.v. Bernuth with wife their children, Theodore+Maud Steinway+Julia D. Cassebeer go to Va. Beach via Washington, Snowstorm almost a blizzard. Again confer with Capt Clark of Baltimore Signed proofs ofloss, Ins. as President of N. Stetson +Co. Raines Bill passed Senate Albany. Am at L.K. in evg.


March 11th Wed.

Have along talk with Adam Brautigam as to Hallet Davis old Grand. He looks very bad. Have a long conference with S. E. Clark+Co of Detroit, who are in a bad way. Greater New York bill passes Senate

March 12th Thursd.

At 3 P.M. Rapid Transit. Son of old Wm. Clark, of Nunns + Clark called, latter said to be 82 yrs. old. Werrbach calls, admits to theft of $311. since last Novbr, +making false entries of wages +c. at our Astoria factory. Work til nearly 11 PM at Store