The Diary

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NewYork, Astoria, May 24th 1896.

May 24th Sund.

Cold+windy. Both hands badly affected, have to use crutches +feel downhearted. Yet meet Heine Monument Com. who had come with steamer Chancellor to Grand Pier in the afternoon. Spot on Flushing Ave. pleases them most. Meet Mrs. Bauhahn (neè Dannewitz) with her daughter, there Adolf Vietor +family, Fritz +C. v. Bernuth with us in afternoon. Am unable to work

May 25th Mond.

Rapid Transit session at 3 P.M. Our Counsel report S. Court adverse decision tous. Left hand bandaged, home early

May 26th Tuesd.

Remain at Steinway Mansion, painful attack in both hands, feel dejected, cannot work + by eating almost nothing feel jaded +worn out. J. Franko +H. v. Hunerbein call

May 27th Wed.

At St. Hall, Henry E. Abbey + his counsel Geo. L. Rives called death of Jaques Schmitz. St. Louis almost destroyed by a Cyclone. Jeanne Franko sailed pr. M. Poulet “New York” for London drove home early, at 5.30. PM

May 28th Thursd.

At St. Hall. conference with Stetson, Henry Ziegler +FredT. St. on Cinc-Pittsburgh +Erie matter, drive in rain to Bk Metrop. J. E. Becker called. Coronation of Czar Nicholas at Moscow

May 29th frid.

Remain home til 1 P.M. writing European letters. Funeral of Jaques Schmitz from L.K. Hall. Gildemeester+Kroeger failed +ReceiverWilliams appointed. Drove reached home at 1025/100 P.M.

May 30st sat.

Decoration day. Remained home all day, commenced to take on Dr. Scharlaus advice Urecedin for my gout. Called Kuebler, H. v. Hünerbein +Mrs. Julia Cassebeer. Drove out with “Bum” to North Beach. W. F. Hasse +Wilhelm Leopold sailed pr Aller, and Celia Schiller pr. Phenicia. North Beach well patronized

March 31st Sund.

Called Nitschke, Renè Gonnewald +friend, Dick Ranft +family North Beach crowded. Urecedin + Buttermilk do me good hands nearly normal again

June 1st Mond.

Overwhelmed with work +trouble and callers all day, and lots of mendicants. v. Perglass tells me that Janotha is nowhere to be found+probably has gone to some convent