The Diary

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NewYork, Astoria, July 23d 1896.


Rapid Transit money benefactions. Leading Bankers met in J. Pierpont Morgans Office, decided to sell at a certain price their 60 days sight bills on Europe, Banks also supply gold to U. S. treasury to keep up the reserve. Stetson left for Isle of Shoals yesterday. Ernst Otten again wrote a letter from Cinc. stating he felt himself unable to manage St+Sons branch there. Henry A. Cassebeer calls, has an Idea of turning his business into a stock Company, just having opened his new store on Madison Avenue

July 24th frid.

Terrific rainstorms during the night and suffering quite heavy pain in my right foot while hands and sholder grow rapidly better With the aid of crutches I succeed to get down into the library and work there all day, having for the past three days eaten only Mutton broth +Zwieback drank tea and water. Weather again gloomy and humid Louis v. Bernuth calls and we chat for several hours, while it rains in torrents. Remain in library til 9 PM working One of our tuners, Wm. Fanning, had his nose broken and his face otherwise injured through his own carelessness at [written after an ink blot] by our freight elevator this afternoon at Steinway Hall. The populist Convention has been all this week at St. Louis and it looks as though they would endorse Bryan. The Nomination of a Third Candidate, by the democrats now seems inevitable +even Wm. C. Whtney advocating such a course

July 25th sat.

Ideal cool day. Shoulder all right, little finger and rim of right hand and right foot still affected, but had a splendid restful night. Mrs. Mary A. Williamson +daughter, M. Maurer, called also Theodore Stein, to whom I sell lots in Blockand lots in Bl.Steinway Map for $3000 being both Nor-East and South East corners of Wolcott Ave +Albert streets. The Populists last evg at St. Louis nominated Bryan and Sewell Watson, and today Bryan refused acceptance unless Sewell was nominated as Vice. Pres. Max Kaufmnn called, laid whole future prospect of N.Y. Times before me Recd big Mail, letters from Eshelby with Erlanger Sydicate proposition, and from Holwedewith confirmation of our Success in the Grotrian