The Diary

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NewYork, Octbr. 11th 1896.


also Albert Weber in his Sutro-Tiedemann affair, also Grosse

Octbr. 12th Monday,

settled with Anna M. Stier and her daughterMrs. Ida Drischler. Rainstorms +hurricane. Have many callers incl. the Misses Arcularius. In evg family party at Henry Zieglers house, their crystal Wedding, I make three speeches, all member of the family present except Henry A. Cassebeer who is sick and of course Harbuckle

Oct. 13th Tuesd.

All day at St. Hall. At L.K. in evg, preside for the first time in nearly 4 years am enthusiastically greeted Home at midnight, had many callers during the day

Oct 14th Wed.

Worked home til 1 P.M. George w. Cotterill called, looks sick+coughs badly. Write out my speech for tomorrow night In evg at Irving Place Theatre, where 250 ladies and gentlemen of L.K. are on invitation from Conried. I chat with George Vietor, beome acquainted with old Mrs. Jefferson Davis

Oct 15th Thursd.

Rapid Transit postponed. Walk to Bank of the Metropolis and back. In evg at 8 P.M. Grand Mass Meeting of the Sound Money German Americans, I preside deliver a fine speech which is loudly applauded, Wm. Weber speaks in german and Fred W. Heinrichs in english. A fine success

Octbr 16th frid.

Fine comments of the press, which nearly all quote my speech in full. At 12 to Dr. Dwight Smith who scrapes my teeth and finds all perfect except the left lower tooth which is somewhat loose. Evg Post has a splendid edtorial on my speech last night. Worked hard til 11.15 P.M. getting off letters +papers to Europe

Oct 17th sat.

Henry E. Abbey died suddenly at 4.45 this A.M. at the Osborne of internal hemorrage. At 4 P.M. have meeting, but only Lauterbach, Schoeffel +myself are in town. My son George announced his arrival at Hamburg by cable, am interviewed by several newspaper men + have lots of visitors. Drive around Cooper Institute where an immense Altgeld German American Meeting is taking place. Willie, Theodore Paula and L.v.B. at Daileys Theatre
