The Diary

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NewYork, November 1st 1896.


Weather somehat gloomy, work at St. Hall all day til 9 P.M. My son George A. Steinway wired from Hamburg “Due London November 10th leave beginning December, well Gildemeester and Stetson call in afternoon, talking over Detroit, Pittsburgh and Baltimore matters. Home at 10 PM

Novbr 2d Monday.

Very warm beautiful day Am called upon by a vast Number of people mostly female artists, but also Hon Carl Schurz. Henry A. Cassebeer and his wife Julia Cassebeer call, she having over-drawn her account with me very heavily. My daughter Maud with her Frl. Anna Krüsi to Ladies Society of German Liederkranz this after-noon with a gift of $50. At 8 P.M. walked to German Savings Bank. Over $75000 had been withdrawn to day by anxious depositors Otherwise quiet day, the calm before the battle. Home at 9 PM

Novbr. 3d Tuesd.

Ideal day, walk to poll at Third Ave. L.v.B. +myself voting at 10 A.M. No one there but my No is 147, + v.B. 148. We both vote the straight Republican Ticket simply marking same in the circle 175: Circle with an xand marking X opposite the “No” in the Adirondack Forest bill. This is the first time in my Life that I voted any but the democratic ticket but this year the danger of democratic candidature of Wm. J. Bryan and the unlimited free coinage of silver is so great, that no true democrat can act otherwise than to vote for McKinley and sound money. At St. Hall Miss Balz plays for me, M. Steinert, George w. Cotterill, who tells me about the status of our Harbuckle cases, intending to enter our Judgment in the Trusteee cases agt Harbuckle. Mrs. +Miss Glose call about 1 P.M. latter plays for M. Steinert+myself, very beautifully. At 2 P.M. at 306 Columbus Avenue, 38 gentlemen assembled at Fishdinner, Walter Damrosch to my left and Moriz Rosenthal to my right, then Krehbiel and next to Walter Damrosch Mr. Pfarrius, who tells me how many people bought ex change on Europe last friday, saturday and monday. I make a nice speech in German, eliciting much applause, Rosenthal, Stetson, Krehbiel also make brief remarks. It is quite a pleasant gathering, we disperse at 4.30 P.M. when I drove Rosenthals to Windsor Hotel I working at St. Hall til 9 P.M. Then drive to L.K. the latest Election returns come in and are received with Cheers, drive home after midnight McKinley +Hobart have been elected

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